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Conditional sentences







If you heat ice, it melts.


The Zero Conditional is used to express a general rule or scientific fact that is always true.

If you heat ice, it melts.


1. Is it always true?2. Are we talking about a single event or a general truth?3. How certain is the result clause? (0-100%)

If you heat ice, it melts.


1. Is it always true? (Yes)2. Are we talking about a single event or a general truth? (A general truth)3. How certain is the result clause? (100%)


If it rains, I will stay at home.

The First Conditional is used to talk about a situation that we see as possible in the future. It is called the "Possible Conditional". It can be used to express a variety of functions, for example an offer, a threat, a warning, a consequence.

If it rains, I will stay at home.

1. Are we talking about the present ot the future?2. Is it possible this will happen in the future?3. How probable is the if-clause? (0-100%)4. How probable is the result clause? (0-100%)

If it rains, I will stay at home.

1. Are we talking about the present ot the future? (Future)2. Is it possible this will happen in the future? (Yes)3. How probable is the if-clause? (50%)4. How probable is the result clause? (100%)



The Second Conditional is used to talk about a situation that we see as either improbable or unreal. We use it when we speak about present or future.It is called "The Improbable Conditional". It can be used to give advice, make offers, and talk about a variety of hypothetical situations.

If I won a lot of money, I would buy a big house.


1. Is this a real or imagined situation? 2. Are we talking about the past, present or future?3. How probable is the if-clause?4. How certain is the result clause?

If I won a lot of money, I would buy a big house.


1. Is this a real or imagined situation? (Imagined)2. Are we talking about the past, present or future? (Present or future)3. How probable is the if-clause? (Improbable or unreal)4. How certain is the result clause? (100%)

If I won a lot of money, I would buy a big house.


If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


The Third Conditional is used to speculate about the consequences of something that did not happen in the past, It is called the "Impossible Conditional". It can be used to express regret or relief.

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


1. Is this a real or imagined situation? 2. Are we talking about the past, present or future? 3. Did I study hard?4. Did I pass the exam?5. How certain is the result clause? 6. What do I feel?

If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.


1. Is this a real or imagined situation? (Imagined)2. Are we talking about the past, present or future? (Past)3. Did I study hard? (No)4. Did I pass the exam? (No)5. How certain is the result clause? (100%)6. What do I feel? (Regret)

Past Perfect + would + have + V3

Past + would + inf.

Present + will + inf.

Third conditional


conditional sentences

Second conditional

First conditional

Zero conditional

Present + Present