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They can be hermaphroditic or unisexual.A couple is attracted to each other's secretions.They copulate by putting their bodies together.

Annelids feed on decomposing organic matter. Terrestrial annelids absorb nutrients obtained from the ground, aquatic ones feed on plankton and eels absorb blood.



  • Annelids are segmented cylindrical worms
  • They have bilateral symmetry
  • They are invertebrates, so they are soft-bodied and don´t have internal skeleton.
  • Around their body they have rings that allow them to move around.
  • They usually measure 1 mm


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Where to find them ?

  • They live under the sand, although they let part of their body appear to breathe and nourish themselves.
  • They´re found in all types of habitats, especially oceanic waters.


  • The scientific name for this specie is Annelida.
  • Aquatic annelids feed on plankton and absorb blood.
  • Around 500 million years this specie (fossils) a geological epoch from Yunnan, China.

  • Elemento genial A
  • Elemento genial B
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