Want to make creations as awesome as this one?

Will vs be going to


Each player chooses a game piece. Decide what team member starts first. Take turns to roll the dice.Good luck!

Instructions in Spanish

Click on the die!

Snakes and ladders


INSTRUCCIONES Los jugadores comienzan con una ficha —que representa a cada uno de ellos— en el casillero inicial y se turnan para lanzar el dado. Las fichas se mueven según la numeración del tablero, en sentido ascendente. Si al finalizar un movimiento un jugador cae en un casillero en donde comienza una escalera, sube por ella hasta el casillero donde ésta termina. Si, por el contrario, cae en uno en donde comienza la cola de una serpiente, desciende por ésta hasta el casillero donde finaliza su cabeza. Si un jugador obtiene un 6 podrá mover dos veces en un solo turno. Si un jugador obtiene tres 6 consecutivos, deberá regresar al casillero inicial y no podrá mover su ficha hasta obtener nuevamente un 6. El jugador que logra llegar al casillero final es el ganador. Existe una variación en la que el jugador, estando a seis o menos casilleros del final, debe obtener exactamente el número que le falta para llegar a éste y si el número obtenido supera al número de casilleros restante, el jugador no podrá moverse. ESCALERA SERPIENTESi el jugador cae en el pie de una escalera, asciende a la casilla superior donde termina la escalera.Si el jugador cae en una casilla donde comienza la cola de una serpiente, desciende hasta una casilla inferior donde se sitúa la cabeza.

Complete the sentence: I ____________________ TV tomorrow.

What will you do next weekend?

What are you going to wear tomorrow?

Who are you going to see next weekend?

Ask a classmate what he/she is going to eat tonight.

Ask a classmate about his/her schedule tomorrow?

What will you watch on TV tonight?

Complete the sentence: I want to marry her because I know I _____________ always love her

Talk about your life in ten years.

What are you going to have for dinner tonight?

Talk about the weather tomorrow

Will robots ever replace humans? If so, in what way?

Do you think doctors will clone people in the future?

Are you going to read after the class?

Talk about your next holiday

Complete the sentence: Luke _____________________ his mother on Saturday.

Talk about computers in 2025

Complete the sentence: Next winter the weather ________________really cold

How will transportation and travel change in the future?

Do you think you will ever live abroad?

Do you think scientists will find a cure for AIDS?

When are you going to speak English fluently?

Talk about your life in ten years.

Ask a classmate about his/her long-term plans

Ask a question using be going to

Ask a question using will

Do you think aliens will ever visit the Earth?

Will robots ever replace humans? If so, in what way?

Will pollution make the Earth uninhabitable?

What will happen if aliens visit the Earth?

Do you believe in fortune tellers?

What are you going to do with your life?

Are you going to study English next semester?

Are you going to study English at the weekend?

Are you going to meet anyone during the weekend?

Complete the sentence A: We are thirsty. B: Wait here. I ___________ get some water.

Do you think you will pass your English course?

Complete the sentence. Rebeca ________________ have a baby next month.

Complete the sentence. A: We don’t have any bread. B: I know. I __________________ get some from the shop.

Complete the sentence: A: Why do you need to borrow my suitcase? B: I __________________ visit my mother in Scotland next month

Complete the sentence: A: What are your plans after you leave university? B: I __________________ work in a hospital in Africa. I leave on the 28th.