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Jose Sanchez del Rio

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Jose Sanchez del Rio

José Luis Sánchez del Río was born on March twenty eight, one thousand nine hundred thirteen.

Lorem Ipsum

he was a Mexican cristero who was executed by government officials for refusing to renounce his Catholic faith

His death was seen as a largely political venture on the part of government officials in their attempt to stamp out dissent and crush religious freedom in the area.

He was nicknamed "Joselito".

Pope Francis approved a miracle attributed to him on January twenty one, two thousand and sixteen, allowing for his canonization to take place.

He attended school first in his hometown, then in Guadalajara in Jalisco.

Lorem Ipsum

When the Cristero War broke out in 1926, his brothers joined the rebel forces, but his mother would not allow him to take part.

The boy insisted that he wanted the chance to give his life for Jesus Christ and so come to Heaven easily.

The rebel general, Prudencio Mendoza, also refused his enlistment.

relented and allowed José to become the flagbearer of the troop.

During heavy fighting on January 25, 1928, Mendoza's horse was killed, and José gave his horse to the general so that the fight could go on.

Then he sought cover and fired at the enemy until he ran out of ammunition. The government troops captured the boy and imprisoned him.

Consequently they cut the bottom of his feet and obliged him to walk around the town toward the cemetery. He cried and moaned with pain, but he did not give in. At times they stopped him and said, 'If you shout, "Death to Christ the King" we will spare your life'. José would only shout, 'I will never give in. Viva Cristo Rey!'"

In prison, José prayed the rosary daily and wrote an emotional letter to his mother, saying that he was ready to fulfill the will of God to whom he dedicated himself.

It was later reported that José was captured by government forces, who ordered him to renounce his faith in Christ, under threat of death. He refused to accept apostasy.


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