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Fashion during The Great Depression


With the Stock Market Crash and WWII it made ankle length and waistline become popular again. With the 1920’s creating silhouette free from curves, the 1930’s made women’s curves more noticeable as they started to wear things that made the waistline appear more. The public leaned towards a more conservative approach. The cinema also contributed to fashion as it helped shape fashion and people got inspired by movie stars.


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Idea profile for women was being tall, thin, with strong shoulders and slim hips. Lots of women would do short curly hairstyles. It was common to match the clothing with the accessories. For men, the idea profile was to wear looser and more casual clothing. Famous fashion icon Prince Edward, was known all over the world and people started to dress like him with a vertical drape. Children's clothing was often homemade by their mothers.

Since they didn’t have money they would repair, and reuse clothing. Mothers would make clothing out of sacks into dresses and boys shirts. Mothers would sew patches over clothing that had holes instead of buying a new pair of clothing. The flour and chicken sacks would come with patterns and if the women liked the pattern on them , they would buy it and make clothing out of the sacks.




"Repair, reuse, make do, and don't throw anything away," (Reinhardt and Ganzel)."Mothers often remade children's clothing from other items, including cloud and feed sacks," (Morton).

Reinhardt, Claudia, and Bill Ganzel. "Flour Sacks Were Material for Clothing in the Depression." Flour Sacks Were Material for Clothing in the Depression. 2003. Web. 12 Apr. 2021.

Morton, Sunny. "1930s Fashion: Women's, Men's, and Children's Clothing." FamilySearch Blog. 18 June 2020. Web. 12 Apr. 2021.

Reddy, Karina. "1930-1939." 05 Apr. 2019. Web. 12 Apr. 2021.

I learned that the Great Depression had an impact on fashion, as people didn't have money for clothing, they would use things such as sacks to make children's clothing. Along with women and men being inspired by famous movie artist and copying their looks.