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Football today and in the past



Already in ancient Greece and in Roman times there was a sport called episkyros similar to football, although it was possible to use the hands, in fact this sport was also similar to rugby. Over time in Europe this game continued to change in appearance and rules, until the first football association was founded in 1863. In the following years the rules continued to change until football as we know it today was created.

the history

how football has changed over the time

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the rules and the equipment

It is played by two teams of 11 players. Only the goalkeeper can also touch the ball with his hands and arms, only if the ball is in the penalty area. The goal of the game is to score more points than the opposing team by passing the ball over the opponent's goal line. The duration of a match is 90 minutes, divided into two halves of 45 minutes each.Players must wear: jersey, shorts, socks, shoes and shin guards, goalkeepers can wear long or short clothes. The ball must have a circumference between 70 and 68 centimeters and a weight between 450g and 410 grams

how to play

where football in played

football is played all over the world, but the major leagues are all in Europe: in England, France, Spain, Italy and Germany. In these 5 leagues, however, players come from all continents

the biggest leagues

the most prestigious award

the golden ball

The Golden Ball is an individual award that is awarded each year to the player who performed best during the year. The first edition of this award took place in 1956 and only European players could receive this award, but in 1995 the opportunity was given to players from all over the world.

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the most important competitions

the champions league is a competition that takes place every year in which the strongest teams of each European championship participate; from 1 to 4 teams per championship can participate according to the difficulty of it. The first edition of this tournament took place in 1955 calling itself "European Champions Cup" and only in 1992 did it change its name to "Champions League". The winning team is named the strongest team in Europe.

champions league

competitions between nations

Fifa word cup

the FIFA World Cup is a competition in which national teams that have qualified to participate face off. The first competition took place in 1930 and has been held every 4 years since then. The winner is elected as the strongest national team in the world.