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Infografia de Jared Fabian Cortez 105

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This is Tony. He is an astronaut. he has 38 years old. he studied 18 years to be an astronaut. he stays every day on the international space station. He fixes all the faults that rise in the station. he return to earth every 9 months to watch her family, stays in here for 1 month and then go back to station.

This is Martha. She is not a firefighter. The kids mistake her for a firefighter because of her uniform, but she is a police officer. she has been working as a police officer for 3 years. She loves helping other people.

verb to be

verb to be

present simple positive

present simple positive

El es Mark. Trabaja como médico en un hospital en el centro de la ciudad. Tiene 39 años. Estudió durante 15 años en la universidad de la ciudad y tiene una familia con 2 hijos y su esposa, pronto tendrá su propio centro médico.

Jared Fabian Cortez. 105 CBT 4

we are Jorge, Juan y Joaquin. We Work as a guards in a Mall. We have 2 years work in this place for the nights. We take care of the entrances and the places of sale. We always good care the mall.

present simple negative

present simple negative

They do not work as photographers. They only take photos, but they don't sell them. They take photos as a hobby

He is Angel. He is not a lawyer. He works as a receptionist in a law office. he has 1 year of work in this place. He hates being mistaken for a lawyer.