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Experiment 2Organic and Inorganic compounds


In this lab, you will study the properties of 2 known compounds (salt and benzoic acid), one is organic and the other one is inorganic. For each compound, you will perform the following 3 tests:

  • Solubility in different solvents (water, ethyl alcohol and hexane)
  • Conductivity
  • Combustibility.
After this, you will apply the same tests to an unknow compound. According to your results, you will deduce if the unknown compound is organic or inorganic.


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  1. Download the document in Canvas "Laboratory 2 Organic and inorganic compouds" and read it carefully.
  2. Browe this interactive lab and make the 4 test of this experiment.
  3. Record your results in the tables and answer the questions in the document.
  4. Convert the document to a PDF and submit your work in Canvas.

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Take a screenshot and paste it in your worksheet

Drag the boxes to the correct classification

Do not combust

Combust easily

Liquid, solid and gas state

Low boiling points <400ºC

High boiling points >400ºC

Do not have crystal structures

Have crytal structures

Mainly soluble in non polar solvents

Liquid, solid and gas state

Metallic and ionic bonds

Mainly soluble in water

Covalent bonds



Previous knowledge

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What type of compound is sodium chloride?

Answer the following questions about the compounds you will use in the experiments

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What type of compound is sodium chloride?

YES! Sodium chloride is an inorganic compound

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Go BAck

What type of compound is sodium chloride?

NO :( Sodium chloride is not an organic compound

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What type of compound is benzoic acid?

Answer the following questions about the compounds you will use in the experiments



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What type of compound is benzoic acid?

YES! Benzoic acid is an organic compound

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go back

What type of compound is benzoic acid?

NO :( Benzoic acid is not an inorganic compound

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Take a screenshot and paste it in your worksheet

Put the mouse over the flask to know more about the chemical structure of the molecules of the solvents and drag the flask to the correct classification.

In this experiment you will use the following solvents:

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non polar solvent



polar solvent

Ethyl alcohol

Take a screenshot and paste it in your worksheet



Combination 6

Combination 5

Combination 4

Combination 3

Combination 2

Combination 1





benzoic acid

benzoic acid

benzoic acid




1. In this experiment, you will test the solublity of benzoic acid and sodium chloride in different solvents (water, ethyl alcohol and hexane)2. Drag the images to create all posible combinations to know the solubility of the salt and benzoic acid in the different solvents. Follow the example of Combination 1

Experiment 1 Solubility test

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NaCl+ ethyl alcohol

benzoic acid + ethyl alcohol

benzoic acid + hexane

benzoic acid + water

Put the mouse over the test tube to see the changes

NaCl+ hexane

NaCl+ water

3. After making the corressponding combinations, some crystals of the substances and few drops of the solvents were added to six test tubes.4. The six test tubes were stirred vigorously and the following changes were observed:

Experiment 1 Solubility test

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NaCl+ ethyl alcohol

benzoic acid + ethyl alcohol

benzoic acid + hexane

benzoic acid + water

Put the mouse over the bulb to see the changes

NaCl+ hexane

NaCl+ water

We will use the mixtures of the previous experiment1. Using a conductivity tester we will determine if mixtures are able to conduct the electrical current or not

Experiment 2 Conductivity test

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Benzoic acid


Put the mouse over the porcelain capsules to see the changes

In this experiment, we will put some crystals of benzoic acid in a porcelain capsule. With the help of a woodstick we will get a flame close to the solid. The same procedure will be repeated using sodium chloride instead of benzoic acid

Experiment 3 Combustibility test

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Combustibility test

Conductivity test

Solubility test





Put the mouse over the material to see the changes

In this final experiment you will perform the previous tests (solubility in water, hexane and ethyl alcohol, conductitivty and combustibility) in an unknow compound. According to the results, deduce if the unknown compound is organic or inorganic.

Experiment 4 Unknown substance

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Do not forget to complete the document and submit it to Canvas

Congratulations! You finished this laboratory activity

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