Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




You are about to join a British school and you want to know more about it! Get ready!Dans cette séquence nous allons découvrir le système scolaire britannique. Il est très différent du système français.Nous allons apprendre :- les matières scolaires- l'heure- à construire des phrases pour donner son opinion.- there is / there are


I/ School subjects

II/ Telling the time

III/ A British school

IV/ School uniform

V/ After school clubs

VI/ School presentation

VII/ Révisions

I/ School subjects

Write the words underneath the correct picture :history - physical education (PE) - mathematics - science - music - art - french - English - geography

Look at the boar and circle :- In blue : two symbols for sport- in red : three symbols for science- in green : all symbols for school supplies- in black : three symbols for mathematics- orange : geography and history

Pour parler de son emploi du temps et des matières il faut se rappeler de deux détails importants : 1 : on utilise le verbe HAVE :I have mathematics on Monday.2: On met le mot "on" devant les jours de la semaine :I have mathematics on Monday.

Comment parler de son emploi du temps :

Your turn !Look at the timetable and complete the sentences :

1/ I .............................. french .............. friday.2/ She ......................... music ...... ................. and ................... .3/ We ............................ english ........ ................... and .............. .4/ I ................................. ........................... ........ Monday and Thursday.5/ I have mathematics ...... ........................................................... .............................................................. .

BONUS : Peux-tu deviner le sens du mot "lunchtime" en t'aidant de la phrase suivante et du tableau : I have lunchtime everyday. lunchtime =

It's time for the challenge!In pairs :Student 1 chooses a day on the timetable and describes it.Ex : I have mathematics, music and english.Student 2 guesses :It's Tuesday !

CHALLENGE 2In groups : Imagine your own timetable !Student 1 imagines MondayStudent 2 imagines Tuesday Student 3 imagines Wednesday. student 4 imagines Thursday student 5 imagines Friday.Student 1 describes Monday and the others fill the timetable. Then Student 2 describes Tuesday... etc...

Les Heures

Les minutes

II/ Telling the time

Nous allons apprendre à lire l'heure en anglais. Tout d'abord, il faut apprendre à se repérer sur l'horloge.

Le côté de l'horloge où la grande aiguille se situe.

Maintenant que l'on connaît tous les éléments importants sur l'horloge, nous allons apprendre à suivre les aiguilles et l'ordre d'annonce.Rappel : La grande aiguille indique les .............................................. . La petite aiguille indique les ............................................. .

En français on commence par annoncer les ............................................. et ensuite les ................................................... . Observe les aiguilles sur l'horloge et note l'heure : Il est ................................................................................... .

En Anglais c'est différent. Il faut suivre un ordre précis pour annoncer l'heure correctement : minutes + côté de l'horloge + heure.

Pour annoncer l'heure de cette horloge il faut donc repérer les éléments suivants :minutes : fivecôté de l'horloge : pastheures : elevenMaintenant que nous avons repéré les éléments, nous pouvons annoncer l'heure:It's five past eleven. Il est onze heures cinq. 11h05.

ATTENTION : Il y a deux cas particuliers :Pour la demi-heure (quand la grande aiguille est sur le 6) on dira toujours "half past".ex: 11h30 = half past elevenPour l'heure pile on ne précise pas le côté de l'horloge, et l'ordre d'annonce change : heure + minutes EX: 6h00 = six o'clock.

Exercise 1Write the number of the correct time under the clocks.

1. It's twenty to eight.2. It's ten to six.3. It's six o'clock.4. It's five to seven.5. It's a quarter to two. 6. It's twelve o'clock.

II/ Telling the time

Exercise 2 Complete the sentences :

8h00It's eight ............................................ .11h50 It's ten ............................................ ............................................ .6h30It's ............................................ ............................................ six. 15h45It's quarter ............................................ ............................................ .16h20............................................ twenty ............................................ four.

Exercise 3Listen and write the time !

Exercise 3Listen and write the time !

Audio A:Audio B:Audio C:Audio D:Audio E:

Exercise 4Write the time !

CHALLENGE!In pairs : choose a clock and tell the time ! Your partner guesses the correct clock.









Read the text and answer the questions to learn more about British schools :A quelle heure les enfants arrivent-ils à l’école ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Quel type de vêtements doivent-ils porter ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..A quelle heure commence la première leçon ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Quel équipement y a-t-il dans les classes ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….A quelle heure commence la récréation ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. A quelle heure se termine-t-elle ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Quelle est l’activité la plus populaire dans la cour de récréation ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Read the text and answer the questions to learn more about British schools :Combien de temps reste-t-il avant la pause déjeuner ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Quelles sont les leçons que les élèves suivent à ce moment là ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. A quelle heure commence la pause déjeuner ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. A quelle heure s’achève-t-elle ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Est-ce que tous les élèves mangent à la cantine ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Que mangent les élèves qui ne vont pas à la cantine ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Que font les élèves lorsqu’ils ont fini de manger ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Read the text and answer the questions to learn more about British schools :Combien de leçons y a-t-il l’après midi ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. A quelle heure se termine la dernière leçon ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Que font les enfants après les cours ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Read the text and answer the questions to learn more about British schools :

III/ School uniform !

Look at the pictures and answer the questions :

1) What can you see?I can see ................................................................................................2) Where are they?..............................................................................................................3) Match the words with the correct picture :Jumper / socks / backpack / shoes / blazer / trousers / shirt /skirt / tie /school emblem

Picture 1

Picture 2



III/ School uniform !

4/ Read the sentences and circle the correct word : 1) I am happy. Girl Boy 2) I have a backpack. Girl Boy 3) I wear a grey skirt. Girl Boy 4) I am bored. Girl Boy 5) I wear grey trousers. Girl Boy

III/ School uniform !

Listen to the recording and circle the correct answers. 1) number of characters : 1 2 3 2) Place : At school / in a shop / in a house 3) Action : Watching TV / Cooking / Shopping 4) Uniform selected : …………………………………………………………………… 5) Total price to pay : …………………………………………………………………… 6) Jenny’s opinion about the price : Cheap / Expensive


SHOPKEEPER: Hello, can I help you? JENNY’S MUM: Yes, please. I need a school uniform for my daughter. She is starting school at Southbank International School in September. SHOPKEEPER: Very good! How old are you? JENNY: I’m 11. JENNY’S MUM: Jenny is in year 7, in 7W. SHOPKEEPER: OK, no problem. So she is in Windsor house and her tie is green with yellow stripes. Let me look. Ah, here is your yellow tie. JENNY’S MUM: Very nice. How much is it? SHOPKEEPER: It is £6.85. JENNY: I don’t like this tie! JENNY’S MUM: Jenny, don’t be silly! Stop, please! SHOPKEEPER: Now, here is your green blazer. Try it on. JENNY: I look horrible with this blazer, green is not my colour!!! JENNY’S MUM: Come on, Jenny, be sensible! And look, the school emblem is very nice.

JENNY: If you say so!JENNY’S MUM: How much is the blazer? SHOPKEEPER: It is £26. Do you prefer a skirt or trousers? JENNY’S MUM: I think a skirt is nice! JENNY: Well, I prefer trousers, mum! JENNY’S MUM: Really? JENNY: Yes, I’m not comfy in a skirt! SHOPKEEPER: Our black trousers are very comfortable and they are only £18! JENNY’S MUM: Ok for trousers, then! And two white blouses, please! SHOPKEEPER: Anything else? JENNY’S MUM: No, thank you, that’s fine. How much is the total, then? SHOPKEEPER: Let me see, your two blouses are £18, your tie is £6.85, your blazer £26 and your trousers are £18, so it’s a total of £68.85. JENNY: Wow! £70 for a uniform is very expensive! JENNY’S MUM: Yes, but a uniform is practical in school. Look at you, Jenny, you look so smart with your new uniform on! JENNY: Well, I prefer my jeans and my trainers, for sure!!!!

Lis le script de l’audio et trouve les informations suivantes : 1/ A ton avis que veux dire la phrase du vendeur « can I help you ? » : ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2/ Quelle phrase de la mère de Jenny permet de dire au vendeur ce qu’elle veut acheter ?………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3/ Quelle est la phrase de la mère de Jenny permet de demander le prix d’un article ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ Quel verbe utilise le vendeur pour donner le prix d’un article ? Recopie l’une des phrases. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5/ Comment demande-t-il si les clientes veulent autre chose ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6/ Que répond la mère de Jenny ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

7/ A ton avis, Jenny aime son uniforme ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………8/ Quels sont les mots qui te permettent de connaître l’opinion de Jenny ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9/ Quelle est la tenue préférée de Jenny ? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

a) This document is…………………………………………… a TV program / a forum on the internet / an extract from a book)b) It is about …………………………………………… favourite colours / school food / school uniforms)c) It is for …………………………………………… teenagers / children / adultsd) The number of participants is …………………………………………… 6 / 5 / 3

IV/ Les verbes de goût


Les verbes de goût sont suivis d'un complément ou d'un verbe en -ing. Sujet + verbe de goût + complémentI like football.Sujet + verbe de goût + verbe-ing + complémentI like playing football.

Exercise 1

translate the following sentences : 1/ J'aime bien porter un uniforme. 2/ Je déteste les vêtements jaunes. 3/ J'adore les cours de math. 4/ Je n'aime pas faire les magasins.

La négation

Il existe deux façons d'exprimer la négation :

Avec BE :sujet + BE conjugué + not + complément

Avec les autres verbes :sujet + don't/doesn't + BV + complément

Exercise 1

Write the negative version of the sentences :

1/ I wear a black uniform.2/ She has music on Monday.3/ You think that uniforms are cool.4/ We read the lesson. 5/ They have PE on Friday.

Challenge : 2 truths one lie

Write three sentences. Your partner has to guess the lie.


In groups, take part in a debate about uniforms. For or against?Make a list ; what are your arguments for the uniforms?What are your arguments against?


I think that uniforms are good because it's stylish. I think that uniforms are bad because it's not confortable.I think that uniforms are good because it's there is no difference between the children. In my opinion uniforms are bad because I can't wear my favourite colour. I think that uniforms are good because they represent a very good school. I think that uniforms are bad because it's cold in winter.

V/ After school clubs

Write the correct words under the pictures :painting - music - dancing - school newspaper - gardening - cooking - drama - science - sport










V/ After school clubs

Listen to the recording and write the clubs you hear!

V/ After school clubs

Complete the text with the correct words to create a recap !finishes - uniform - first - can - playing - o'clock - clubsAt Sarah's school the ............................. lesson starts at nine ............................. and the last lesson ............................. at quarter to four.Everyone has to wear a ............................. but there are after school ..............................You ............................. do sport, pottery, art ...Sarah likes ............................. badminton.


En anglais on prononce les mots en accentuant l’une des syllabes. C'est-à-dire que l’on met en valeur l’une des syllabes en la prononçant de manière plus marquée que le reste du mot.Il y a une règle simple pour savoir quelle syllabe accentuer en anglais : On accentue presque toujours la première syllabe du mot : ‘Afternoon, ‘morning. On symbolise l’accentuation en plaçant une apostrophe devant la syllabe accentuée. Attention ! Il y a des exceptions ! Si la dernière syllabe du mot comporte un « i », on accentue l’avant dernière syllabe. Ex : peri’odic Si le mot se termine par « y », on accentue la deuxième syllabe avant la dernière. Ex : Ele’mentary.


En anglais on prononce les mots en ............................................................. l’une des ............................................................. . C'est-à-dire que l’on met en valeur l’une des syllabes en la prononçant de manière plus marquée que le reste du mot.Il y a une règle simple pour savoir quelle syllabe accentuer en anglais : On accentue ............................................................. la ................................................................................... : ‘Afternoon, ‘morning. On symbolise l’accentuation en plaçant une ............................................................. devant la syllabe accentuée. Attention ! Il y a des exceptions ! Si la dernière syllabe du mot comporte un « i », on accentue ............................................................. . Ex : peri’odic Si le mot se termine par « y », on accentue la ..................................................................................................... . Ex : Ele’mentary.

Listen to Sam and mark the stressed syllables ( ‘ ) in the underlined words: School in england is very different. Everyone has to wear a uniform. My school started at ten to nine and we finished at quarter to four. But then after school there were a lot of clubs.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2 Pronunciation challenge!

1. Ecoute ton partenaire, aide-toi de la version corrigée du script pour vérifier que ton partenaire accentue correctement les mots: « My school 'started at ten to nine and we 'finished at 'quarter to four. » 2. Coche la case du tableau qui correspond à sa performance. 3. Maintenant, à ton tour ! Lis la phrase suivante à ton partenaire : « School in england is very different. Everyone has to wear a uniform. » Pense bien à prononcer les accents toniques, tu as trois essais pour réussir !


Exercise 2 Pronunciation challenge!

1. Lis la phrase suivante à ton partenaire : « My school started at ten to nine and we finished at quarter to four. » Pense bien à prononcer les accents toniques, tu as trois essais pour réussir ! 2. Maintenant, à ton tour ! Ecoute ton partenaire, aide-toi de la version corrigée du script pour vérifier que ton partenaire accentue correctement les mots: ‘School in ‘england is ‘very ‘different. ‘Everyone has to wear a ‘uniform. 3. Coche la case du tableau qui correspond à sa performance.


VI/ School presentation

Lis le texte et réponds aux questions : Welcome to Paddington school ! In our school there are four different subjects. There is history class, math class, sport lessons and art lessons. There isn’t a music class because it is too difficult. About the equipment : there are computers and books for every students, but there isn’t any copybook. There are two different uniforms : the winter uniform is black and the summer uniform is blue. There are three clubs in our school : Dancing, gardening and cooking. We hope you like our school !

QUESTIONS : 1) Quelle phrase permet de présenter le nom de l’école ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2) Quelle phrase permet de présenter les différentes matières ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3) Combien y a-t-il de matières différentes dans cette école ? Lesquelles ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4) Quel équipement scolaire l’école n’a-t-elle pas ? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5) Combien y a-t-il d’uniformes ? Pourquoi ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6) A ton avis, comment se traduit la dernière phrase du texte ? (to hope = espérer) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Observe ces phrases :There are four subjects. There is a history class.There is et there are se traduisent par : Il y a - nous avons - il existeObserve les mots qui suivent "there is" et "there are", quelle différence remarques-tu?RECAP : Pour dire ................................ on utilise .................................. si le mot qui suit est ..................................et .................................. si le mot qui suit est .................................. .Forme négative :

GRAMMAR POINT : There is / There are

Exercise 1Complete with there is / there are1/ .................................. a cat in the classroom.2/ .................................. red pencils in my bag.3/ .................................. five clubs in my school.4/ .................................. a guitar in the music classroom.

GRAMMAR POINT : There is / There are

Exercise 2Translate the following sentences :1/ Il y a des cahiers dans la classe.2/ Il y a un professeur dans l'école. 3/ Il y a un club de sport dans mon école. 4/ Il n'y a pas d'élèves dans la classe.

GRAMMAR POINT : There is / There are

Read the following comment and fill in the blanks with the correct words : There are - Uniforms - equipment - Lessons - first - there is - don’t - there isn't I like this school a lot because …………………………………. 9 different subjects. There are I.T ……………………….. ! The …………………………………….. is very cool : there are computers and each student has two different …………………………………… . I love the ……………………………….. uniform : a Unicorn Pyjama, but I like the second because ……………………………… a bow tie. I think that the Street art club is very cool but ……………………………. a painting club because it is too difficult.

Give your opinion about a school

In groups : create your own school ! 1/ name - uniform - subjects - clubs2/ Complete the chart and give it to your comrades for them to comment !

School challenge !


Exercice 1Comble les phrases en utilisant There is, There are ou leur forme négatives. 1. In my school, .................................................................. an assembly every morning. 2. In my class, .................................................................. fifteen girls and fourteen boys. 3. I am not happy because ……………………………………………… computers in my school. 4. Look! .................................................................. a beautiful tie in the shop. 5. Is there a pen in your pencil case ? No …………………………………… . 6. In my pencil case, .................................................................. colouring pencils, a glue stick and a pen.


Exercice 2La negationRéécris les phrases à la forme négative : 1/ I like the blue tie. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2/ I am sad. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3/ My mother wants to buy a smart uniform. ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4/ They are excited to go back to school. …………………………………………………………………………………….. 5/ I think that my school is great ! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………


Exercice 3 Les verbes de goût 1. I  my new friends. → .................................................................................................... 2. I   my school emblem. ➝ ....................................................................................................... 3. They  geography. ➝ ................................................................................................................. 4. We  doing our homework.➝ ..............................................................................................


Exercice 4 Donner son opinion. Traduit : But : ……………………………. I think that : ……………………………………… because : ………………………… Replace les mots dans le bon ordre : I / club / don’t / like / it’s / because / dificult / . / painting / the / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… because / I think that / isn’t / the uniform / cool /the / tie / blue / . is / ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


In my school there 6 different subjects. There aren't history lesson.I love a cooking.There isn't history class because very difficult. The clubs his science and sport. The winter uniforms is blue.