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There are a happy family; a mother, a father and a daughter. The girl name is Cinderella. She is nice and beautiful.


Her mother is ill and died.Now Cinderella lives with her father, and her mean stepmother and ugly stepsisters.

One day Cinderella's father dies and she is very sad. - Cinderella, you are a very bad girl! You must cook, and clean my dress and clean your stepsister's shoes! - sais her stepmother.

Cinderella always listens to her stepmother and do what she tolds, but she is very unhappy and cries every night.

Tonight there is a ball in the Palace!Cinderella helps her stepsisters to go to the ball. She wants to go to the ball too.

Cinderella cries but she meets with her Fairy Godmother. - Go get me a mouse, a frog and a pumpkin! - sais the Fairy.

and changes the mouse into a driver, the pumpkin into a coach and the frog into a horse.

The Fairy waves her magic wand,

She changes Cinderella's old dress into a beautiful dress and she changes Cinderella's old shoes into beautiful new glass slippers.

- You must come home before midnight! - sais the Fairy.

Look! Cinderella is in the ball!The Prince sees her and falls in love with her. - Would you like to dance with me? - the Prince asks Cinderella.- Yes, please! - Cinderella answers.The Prince only dances with Cinderella.

DING, DONG, DING, DONG.The clock strikes twelve.

Cinderella runs home but she loses a glass slipper. The Prince finds the glass slipper.

The Prince wants to find the mysterious Princess. He decides to go to every house in the city and find whose slipper this is.

The last house is Cinderella's.The two stepsisters try on the glass slipper, but their feet are too big.The Prince sees Cinderella in the corner. He asks Cinderella to try on the slipper. It’s fits perfectly.

- You are my beautiful princess! Will you marry me? – asks the Prince. - Yes, my Prince! – answers the happy girl and kisses the Prince.

The Prince and Cinderella live happily ever after.