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In Act 1 we see how Macbeth meets the three Witches and how these Witches give him predictions about his future, at this moment the decision of Macbeth change from having the honor to become King. Later in the same Act, we can see his objective of Killing Duncan to become the new King.


Malcolm and Macduff fight against Macbeth and we can infer that they killed Macbeth. People that were ruled by the tyranny of Macbeth finally feel free, with Macbeth's death Scotland's problems became resolved.


Rising Action

Ambition started in the play because of Lady Macbeth's influence over Macbeth. Macbeth started to change his objective only from killing Duncan to kill all the ones that are in his path for the future.

Falling Action

Macbeth started to kill Duncan servants of the castle, Banquo, Lady Macduff, and her sons. This is the starting point of the confrontation between Macduff. The witches had another counter with Macbeth.