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A. Did you like the story of Cinderella? Why? / Why not? B. What is Cinderella's stepmother like? Describe her personality.

A. What's the story about? B. What's your favourite character? Describe her/his personality.

A. Do you like fairy tales? What are fairy tales about? B. What is Cinderella like? Describe her personality.

A. What did Cinderella use to do when she was a child? B. Imagine you don't know the storyline. Create a new storyline from the moment Cinderella's mother died.

A. What are Cinderella's stepsisters like? Describe their personality. B. Imagine you don't know the storyline of Cinderella. Creat a new continuation from the moment Cinderella's met her stepmother and stepsisters.

A. Do the events in Cinderella happen in reality? Why? Why not? B. Do you know any other story similar to Cinderella? What is it about?

A. Imagine you don't know the real storyline. Contuniue the story from the moment Cinderella went to the ball. B. Report the following sentences:

  • "Can I go to the ball now?' (Cinderella)
  • "We will call you Cinderella" (Stepsisters)

A. What did Cinderella's father do after her mother died? B. Imagine you don't know the real storyline. Continue the story from the moment Cinderella was crying in the garden.

A. What is your favourite character? Why? B. Imagine you don't know the real storyline of Cinderella. Create a new continuation from the moment Cinderella was a little child.

A. One of your classmates needs help to report the following statement: 'You can't go to the ball dressed like that' (Stepmother)." Answer your classmate's query and help him/her. After this, tell him/her what happens next.

B. Imagine you receive a videocall from one of your classmates. He/she asks for help because he/she couldn't watch the whole story of Cinderella on the platform Start. Tell him/her what happens from the moment Cinderella met her fairy godmother.

A. One of your classmates is calling you because he/she needs help with the story of Cinderella. He/she couldn't watch the story on the platform Start because of bad internet connection. Tell him/her what the story of Cinderella is about.