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Biblioteca del Campus del Baix Llobregat

Informe mensual d’articles indexats a Scopus



Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels

Pàgina 1/3

Diameter and stationary distribution of random r-out digraphs Guillem Perarnau Llobet

Multi-domain orchestration of 5G vertical services and network slicesSalvatore Spadaro

Symmetry-breaking waves and spacetime modulation mechanisms in two-dimensional plane Poiseuille flowFernando Mellibovsky Elstein

A closed-loop capacitance-to-frequency converter for single-element and differential capacitive sensors Ferran Reverter Cubarsí

Molecular dynamics simulations on self-healing behavior of ionene polymer-based nanostructured hydrogels Oscar Bertran Cànovas

Local convergence and stability of tight bridge-addable classesGuillem Perarnau Llobet

On the number of coloured triangulations of d-manifoldsGuillem Perarnau Llobet

Rainbow factors in hypergraphs Guillem Perarnau Llobet

Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels

Pàgina 2/3

A rainbow dirac's theorem Guillem Perarnau Llobet

The glauber dynamics for edge-colorings of trees Guillem Perarnau Llobet Further results on random cubic planar graphs Juan José Rue Perna

Data plane elements for optical performance monitoring agnostic to the modulation format for disaggregated optical networksSalvatore Spadaro NOMA-CAP modulation format for next generation converged fronthaul-optical access and data center interconnect networks Evaluation of add/drop flexibility requirements in future SDM-enabled ROADMsSalvatore Spadaro Autonomic 5G and beyond network managementSalvatore Spadaro Leveraging SDN-based management for improved traffic scheduling in PONs Salvatore Spadaro

IPv6 over LPWANs: Connecting low power wide area networks to the internet (of things) Carlos Gómez Montenegro

Tone injection-based cancellation technique for nonlinear distortion reduction of modulated signals in BAW resonatorsJuan Carlos Collado Gómez José María González Arbesú Jordi Mateu Mateu Gabriel Montoro López Pere Lluis Gilabert Pinal

Prediction of the optimal phase shift between control signals in dual-input power amplifiers Pere Lluis Gilabert Pinal Gabriel Montoro López

Buffering and total calcium levels determine the presence of oscillatory regimes in cardiac cells Enrique Álvarez Lacalle

End-to-end network slicing in support of latency-sensitive 5G services Salvatore Spadaro

Self-healing and SDN: Bridging the gap Cristina Cervelló Pastor

Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicació i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels

Pàgina 3/3

Assessment of satellite contacts using predictive algorithms for autonomous satellite networks Hyuk Park Adriano José Camps Carmona

Automation for separation with continuous descent operations: Dynamic aircraft arrival routes Xavier Prats Menéndez

Optical power budget enhancement in 50-90 Gb/s IM-DD PONs 5 with NOMA-CAP and SOA-based amplificationSalvatore Spadaro

Flexible coherent UDWDMPON with dynamic user allocation based on limited-tunability lasers Vicente Sales Zaragoza

Effect of atmospheric turbulence on timing instability for partially reciprocal two-way optical time transfer linksAniceto Belmonte Molina

Gaia white dwarfs within 40 pc - I. spectroscopic observations of new candidates Roberto Raddi Alberto Rebassa Mansergas Santiago Torres Gil

Full orbital solution for the binary system in the northern galactic disc microlensing event Gaia16ayeAlberto Rebassa Mansergas

SDN-controlled and orchestrated OPSquare DCN enabling automatic network slicing with differentiated QoS provisioning Alberto Rebassa Mansergas

Escola d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i de Biosistemes de Barcelona

A reaction-diffusion model to understand granulomas formation inside secondary lobule during tuberculosis infection Martí Català Sabaté Clara Prats Soler Daniel López Codina

Research trends in the economic analysis of municipal solid waste management systems: A bibliometric analysis from 1980 to 2019 Luis Alberto Seguí Amortegui

Departament d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i Biotecnologia

Local factors rather than the landscape context explain species richness and functional trait diversity and responses of plant assemblages of mediterranean cereal field margins Jordi Izquierdo Figarola

Crioconcentració progressiva de solucions de sacarosa mitjançant agitació magnèticaEduard Hernández Yáñez Mercè Raventós Santamaria

Evaluation of a portable chlorophyll optical meter to estimate chlorophyll concentration in the green seaweed Ulva ohnoi Ingrid Masaló Llora Joan Oca Baradad