itsLearning Portal Information
Created on August 13, 2020
Learn how to access your new itsLearning account portal.
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Accessing classes on itslearning
A step-by-step guide to access your classes on itsLearning
Go toitsLearning by clicking in the"+" button below
Type in youritsLearning credentials.Don't know them?Click on "+" button
Your homepage on itsLearningshows your classes. Click on the"+" button.
Once you are in one of your classes, you will be taken to the Overview page.Click on the"+" button.
Classes will meetVirtually. Teachers will post info in Overview page.Click on the"+" button.
To login to itsLearning, you must enter your account credentials. Please follow the following format to obtain your password: Password Format First Initial of First Name, First Initial of Last Name, Date Of Birth (MMDDYY), ex.: John Doe DOB 01/02/2003 Password is JD010203
Once you log-in to itsLearning, you will be taken to the Home page. Your home page contains several tiles. These tiles represent your different classes. To access your classes click on the tiles.
Once you click on one your courses (tile), you will be taken to the Overview page of one of your courses. In the overview page you will find important information related to your course such as: class announcements, tasks, events, and latests changes made in the class.
Teacher will inform students about the way they will be meeting. Class meetings can occur over Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, or Zoom.