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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 768570.


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James Hygate Founder & CEO


Top EU Biotech


Top EU Biotech


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flexJET puts its efforts in the research and the commercialisation of a novel route to sustainable fuels for aviation. flexJET is already constructing Europe’s first commercial demonstration plant for the production of advanced aviation biofuels (jet fuel) exclusively from waste vegetable oil and using organic solid waste biomass....

Sustainable Jet Fuel from Flexible Waste Biomass.

White Biotech: How the flexJET project is converting food waste and biomass into green jet fuels through biorefining

Flying with cooking oil

Top EU Biotech

James Hygate Founder & CEO

Interview with James Hygate, CEO Green Fuels Ltd., flexJET technology and facility provider.

“Biojetfuels make the difference in greening airlines”


Top EU Biotech

Evaluators: KETBIO Commercial Committee of Industry experts

"Excellent stakeholders and commercial partners"; “Regulation and de-taxing biobased Jet Fuel, Tax on CO2 would speed-up market entrance"

Evaluators: KETBIO Technology Transfer and Market Experts

"Best scores in Commitment and Resources"; "High market potential"

Stakeholders: flexJET project video

"We want to explore a powerful alternative for sustainable aviation fuel to maximise the carbon benefits for aviation"


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Top EU Biotech

Abraham Esteve-Núñez Coordinator



Top EU Biotech


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Technology approach

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Commercialisation facts

Technology approach

What it's for

iMETLand has developed a water bio-filtration system based on microbial electrochemistry technology to degrade organic waste and pollutants. The project has validated a full-scale application of an eco-friendly device to treat urban wastewater at zero-energy operation cost in small communities. The project concept came from the integration of Microbial Electrochemical Technologies (MET) into the nature-based concept used in constructed wetlands.

A new generation of Microbial Electrochemical Wetland for effective decentralized wastewater treatment.

iMETLand® is engineering nature to clean up wastewater

Faster, smaller, biotech

Top EU Biotech

Abraham Esteve-Núñez, coordinator of iMETLand project

Interview with Abraham Esteve-Núñez, coordinator of iMETLand project.

“We need some early adopters for real market breakthroughs”


Evaluators: KETBIO Commercial Committee of Industry experts

"A great application of distributed processing that looks like it will be able to succeed economically!"

Evaluators: KETBIO Technology Transfer and Market experts

"Good growth potential in environmental biotechnology markets"; "High market attractiveness, high commercial readiness"

Top EU Biotech

Stakeholders: iMETLand, promotional video

"How much of water do you waste every day? Did you know that you need:

  • 15,000 liters of water to produce only a slice of beef.
  • 600 liters of water for a liter of wine.
  • 1,200 for a pizza.
Water is not unlimited. We have to become a waterwise society"


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Top EU Biotech

Prof. Peter Golyshin coordinator



Top EU Biotech


Technology approach

INMARE’s goal was to bioprospect for new enzymes and bioactive compounds in extreme marine environments and use them for new industrial applications


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The project has succeeded to screen and discover the functional protein diversity from the sea by providing robust enzymes with valuable properties (‘allrounders’) for industrial use, established innovative screening tools, sequence analysis and expression platforms...

Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea.

Greener industries through enzymes from seas and oceans

Top EU Biotech

Prof. Peter Golyshin, coordinator of INMARE project

Interview with Prof. Peter Golyshin, INMARE coordinator, about commercialisation in blue biotechnology.

“The bottlenecks for a faster market entry are in scaling up”


Evaluators: KETBIO Technology Transfer and Market experts

"High market attractiveness"; "Very committed project partners, many publications, promising patents filed and a start-up set up"

Stakeholders: INMARE, promotional video

"We need new enzymes to support emerging new industries such as the blue biorefineries. They take care of processing new marine biomass, fish by-products or algae into new valuable products. However, these are new processes that need optimization"

Evaluators: KETBIO Commercial Committee

"Setting out to create what is essentially an enabling technology – great ambition!"; "Enabling technology for health, nutraceutical, etc. - markets which could be highly valued"

Top EU Biotech


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EU Biotech

KETBIO flagship projects

