Professional strategies
Crown of Life Luther
Created on June 11, 2020
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NAME THE Profession
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- Peter - Fisherman
- Rahab- Prostitue
- Abel- Farmer
- Lydia- Dye Dealer
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Dye Dealer
NAME THE Profession
- Nehemiah - Cup Bearer
- Zach- Tax Collector
- Abe- Livestock
- Joe- Ruler
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Livestock Owner
Cup Bearer
Tax Collector
Joseph (OT)
NAME THE Profession
- Ruth - Caretaker
- Priscilla- Tent Maker
- Noah- Boat Builder
- Philemon- Slave
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Tent Maker
Boat Builder
Care Taker
NAME THE Profession
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3:23-24)
Serving Our Profession
Worship Work
It also means to serve, labor and work with all our heart.
In Biblical usage, it means to revere, praise, be awed by, bow down to and submit to the one true God.
עבד Avodah Dual Meaning
We live in a time of job insecurity, pressure, mandatory overtime, and 24/7 schedules – all to meet our very real financial obligations. It is no wonder that we forget that our job, in essence, a calling to serve God. Societal values distinguish between “what happens on Sunday and what happens on Monday and what happens on Saturday (recreation). Work is often merely a means to achieve.
“To see the real purpose of our work as service- to others and to God- is easily missed.Our pursuit of honest labor is not a matter of chasing the elusive pot of gold, but an opportunity to meld our faith and our labor. "
- Have I made a difference in someone’s life today? - Will my loved ones respect me for how I do my work? - What impact might I be able to make today, this year, this decade?
We view work through a different lens that leads us to ask questions that get to the heart of the matter
Keeping God Centered
Helpful Strategies
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2. Do not automatically “think of changing (our) lot, but of changing (our) spirit of discontent”?
1. There is no such thing as a lesser calling in life.
Evaluate Luther's Statements:
(Just like in your family, there are different types of relationships…)
To whom do you wear the mask of God during your work week?
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The Cross of Christ
What is the relationship between our worship life on Sunday and our professional life on Monday?
This provides the framework for living out on Monday the Grace and peace we heard about- and received at the Lord's Table- on Sunday
The Grace of God
By keeping the cross in the forefront of our professional lives we are constantly reminded of the spiritual significance of our every day actions
Sunday to Monday transition
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What can help me keep my Christ focus?
Tip 8
Tip 7
Tip 6
Tip 5
Tip 4
Tip 3
Tip 2
Tip 1
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How can my worship life be a blessing to my work life? How can my work life be a blessing to my worship life?
Point to Ponder
#6 The Power of Flow
#5 The Two Curves
#4 The "authentic" life
#3 Rituals
#2 Connect the dots
I am Christ's ambassador
#1 Make God the Center
Together, the word describes the total balance of the work and worship cycle… Thereby, our professional calling is integrated into our faith; it becomes an attitude of the heart. This holds true regardless of the form our work takes. Our calling to our work, no matter what it is, is an integral aspect of our worship and service to our Lord.
#3 Daily Rituals
Write a goal you would like to accomplish in you family. After each goal, write out rituals that hwill help you achieve your goals. I might look something like this
#4 The Authentic Life
Ust the space below to write out two aspects of your personal story that you would like to transform. Then list the rituals that will help achieve that and habits you need to eliminate. Finally, write down how you will hold yourself accountable Story that needs revisiting: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rituals that will help rewite this story line: ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Accountability Mechanism: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Below, list those rituals that are currently a part of your life, or that you will implement to prepare you for tomorrow 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________________
#5 Two Curves
#6 The Power of Flow
Insightful recommendations into the context of living a life of significance as God’s people. Think of ways this week you can accomplish the following
#2 Connect the Dots
What current relationships might you want to encourage? Which would you discourage? Make your list now. Committ to a date by which you will accomplish this task
Use the space to list five rituals that you not practice or will implement to deepen your family's connection to God 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________________