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“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” 
Joshua 24:15
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“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15

Our Family

Masks of God

You and I are called to serve God in every realm of our lives – family, profession, community and congregation, Martin Luther used the analogy of wearing when by our service we carry out our various roles.

Paint Your family "picture"


What Various Masks Do you wear?

For Fathers

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Talk about the challenges

What prevents you from fulfilling your calling of serve your family?



Less "me-centric" and more " God-centric"

Formless attention

Form-based Attention

"Being completely present in the moment"

Encompasses our typical parental rolls of doing and evaluating

5. understanding the difference

6. But what about if our when our family picture is different?

There is great potential for us to serve as models for people around us. The doors of opportunity are many. All that remains for us is to step through.


Matthew 7:12

“So in everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.”

There's too many people. Where do I begin?

#6 The Power of Flow

#5 The Two Curves

#4 The "authentic" life

#3 Rituals

#2 Connect the dots

I am Christ's ambassador

#1 Make God the Center


The following data is a sobering reminder for fathers of what reality might look like im families where fathers don't play an active role - in a home where the father is absent, a teenage girl is three times more likely to engage in sexual relations by the time she is 15 years old; - Teens in homes where the father is absent are at greater risk for illegal drug use; - Children in father-absent homes have a higher rate of asthma, anxiety, or depression, and behavioural problems.

Are you single? Married? Have kids? Grandkids? How big is your family? Close by, or spread out? Extended family? It's a basic truth that not all families are the same, and that we fulfill different roles, according to our place in the design of our families.

Use the space to list five rituals that you not practice or will implement to deepen your family's connection to God 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________________

#1 Make God the Center

#2 Connect the Dots

What current relationships might you want to encourage? Which would you discourage? Make your list now. Committ to a date by which you will accomplish this task

#3 Daily Rituals

Write a goal you would like to accomplish in you family. After each goal, write out rituals that hwill help you achieve your goals. I might look something like this

#4 The Authentic Life

Ust the space below to write out two aspects of your personal story that you would like to transform. Then list the rituals that will help achieve that and habits you need to eliminate. Finally, write down how you will hold yourself accountable Story that needs revisiting: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rituals that will help rewite this story line: ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Accountability Mechanism: ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Below, list those rituals that are currently a part of your life, or that you will implement to prepare you for tomorrow 1.______________________ 2.______________________ 3.______________________ 4.______________________ 5.______________________

#5 Two Curves

#6 The Power of Flow

Insightful recommendations into the context of living a life of significance as God’s people. Think of ways this week you can accomplish the following

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