Want to make creations as awesome as this one?



Read the text.


Open your copybook and write.


Let's have a challenge about the vocabulary!All the words are in the text.

Open your copybook and write.



1) Tous le verbes du tableau ci-dessous apparaissent dans le texte que tu as lu. Reproduis ce tableau dans ton cahier et complète-le. 2) Dans le texte retrouve les 8 verbes réguliers pour compléter le tableau que tu reproduiras dans ton cahier.


Let's watch a video, listen and read to improve your English!

Watch 2 other videos.Possibilité d'envoyer vos réponses sur pronote .1) Savez-vous quel était le lien entre Marilyn.M et l'homme qui est mentionné?2)Quelles célébrités actuelles se sont inpirées de Marilyn.M?



Je te conseille de le lire 2 fois. Tu trouveras la version pdf sur pronote si tu le souhaites. Ne te focalise pas sur ce que tu ne comprends pas. Ton objectif est de découvrir cette personnalité et d'en connaître un peu plus sur elle. En cliquant sur les mots soulignés, tu auras les traductions. Marilyn Monroe is one of the most famous actresses and singers of the twentieth century. was born in a Los Angeles hospital in 1926. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson. Norma Jeane had a poor childhood and grew up in orphanages. She married a police officer called James Dougherty at 16 because she wanted to escape her difficult life but divorced four years later. In 1946, she joined a modelling agency and took singing and acting lessons. She caught the attention of a Hollywood movie producer, who offered her a six-month acting contract. Norma Jeane changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. For seven years she had small roles and also worked as a model. In 1953, she starred in the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and sang the legendary Diamonds Are A Girl’s Best Friend. She became a Hollywood sensation. All her movies were instant box office hits. She won a Golden Globe Award in 1959 for Some Like It Hot. Marylin Monroe became an American superstar. She married baseball legend Joe Di Maggio and writer Arthur Miller. Her last important appearance was singing Happy Birthday, Mr. President on TV at a birthday party for President Kennedy in New York. Her death in 1962 remains a mystery; officially it was suicide but many people say she was assassinated .

Sur ton cahier, précise bien le n° et ne recopie que les réponses qui conviennent. TOUTES LES REPONSES SONT DANS LE TEXTE. 1) Choose the right answer. The text is ... an extract from a book / a biography / a song 2) Write the information: real name / name as an actress / date of birth / place of birth / jobs (3) 3) Choose the right sentence and justify by quoting from the text. (= en citant le texte) She was a happy child. She wasn't a happy child. 4) What is the French for… ? "a six-month contract“ = un contrat ... 5) Choose the right answer. She got married ... once / twice / three times. Justify your answer by writing her husbands‘ names. 6) Why is her death a mystery? Justify your answer by quoting the text. 7) Find 2 films she starred in. 8) Find a song.

Let's talk about the superlative!





1) Listen to the audio!

2) What can you say about this man?

Après avoir écouté l'audio au moins 2 fois, tu écriras le maximum d'informations en français dans ton cahier. N'hésite pas à faire des pauses lors de ton écoute.

Let's have some revisionsabout how to say a date in English!


Clique sur le lien ci-dessous et fais autant d'exercices que tu le souhaites. https://agendaweb.org/vocabulary/days-date-exercises.html

Have a look at this card and write as many sentences as you can in your copybook.

Choose 1 person and prepare your card about him or her. Please do not write sentences!

Lady Diana

Nelson Mandela

1) Watch the 2 videos!

2) Open your copybook and do the tasks.

Après avoir écouté l'audio au moins 2 fois, tu écriras le maximum d'informations en français dans ton cahier. N'hésite pas à faire des pauses lors de ton écoute.

Reproduis ce tableau et complète-le. Tu dois te fixer comme objectif de compléter le tableau soit avec des phrases, soit avec un mot.