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Proyecto para la asignatura de música de 1º de ESO dedicado a la música asturiana


Unit of Inquiry 3: The Sound of my roots

Find out more about your origins: become a music journalist and investigate your family's musical and cultural tradition.

Traditional instruments from Asturias

Task 1

Interview and recording

Task 2

Asturian modern music

Task 3

+ info

In this project you must work as a detective to find out more about the traditional music of your region. It can be Asturias or any other region or country.

Statement of Inquiry

+ info

Choose 6 instruments of traditional Asturian music and describe them. Remember to:

  • Indicate the family they belong to
  • Describe its main features
  • How is it played?
  • Include a photo (or photos) showing its parts
  • Add a video if possible

+ info

INTERVIEW You must prepare an interview with, at least, five questions to ask to your parents or grandparents (en español). Here you are some examples: (no significa que tengáis que realizar estas preguntas exactamente)

  • What town/region/country were you born in?/¿en qué región has nacido?
  • What traditional songs do you remember from your childhood?/¿Recuerdas alguna canción tradicional de cuando eras pequeño?
  • Did your grandparents teach you any traditional song?/¿Te enseñaron tus abuelos alguna canción tradicional?
  • Where did you used to sing or hear that song?/¿Dónde se escuchaba esa canción? (fiestas, navidad, infantil..)
  • Do you remember the lyrics of that song?/¿Recuerdas la letra de la canción?
  • Can you sing it?/¿Podrías cantarla?
  • Ask your grandparents or parents to sing or recite a traditional song for you. A song from their original region and/or from their childhood would be very interesting.
  • Record the song using a voice recorder.
  • Write the lyrics on a document.
  • Describe the song according to the main musical features such as:
    • Author/authors
    • Date
    • Tempo: fast or slow
    • Voices: men's voices, women's voices, choir..
    • Was it accompanied by a dance?
    • Does it have chorus and verses?

+ info

In Asturias, not only traditional and folk music is created, many rock and pop bands have emerged in the last 50 years.

  1. Find information about five bands or singers from Asturias (not traditional music).
  2. Choose two of them and write a brief summary of them.
  3. Include a famous song.
  4. The list created on Spotify would be useful


  • https://tonoreguera.wordpress.com/europa/espana/asturias/
  • https://silo.tips/download/los-instrumentos-tradicionales-asturianos
  • AsturiasVisita la entrada para saber...Instrumentos Musicales Tradicionales

Get inspired!

Donde vas a por agua



Check the Spotify list dedicated to music made in Asturias

Key concept: Identity

Music is part of our cultural heritage and defines our identity

Lucía González Hevia - Colegio San Fernando

Criterios PAI evaluados:


  • Instrumentos tradicionales de España
  • Vídeo: instrumentos musicales asturianos
  • Instrumentos tradicionales asturianos (IES La Ería)
  • Grupos de rock de Asturias
  • Página oficial de Warcry
  • Noticia: la música urbana eclosiona en Asturias

CRITERIO A: INVESTIGACIÓN i. Investigar uno o varios movimientos o géneros de Música, relacionados con el enunciado de indagación. ii. Describir un trabajo artístico o ejecución