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Sequence 9: Discovering London with Paddington!


Work at your own rhythmand connect to the virtual classes if you have some questions!

Remember!One page = one lesson

Ma fiche d'objectifs

Answer to these questions

Look at this document

See the correction on the next page!

Read this article to know more about the creation of Paddington!


Paddington: from page to screen!

Who is this man?

Discover the creator of Paddington!

Correction of the questions of the previous page

Correction of the previous page

Look at the correction on the next page!

What means of transport did he use?

Read about Paddington's journey.

Watch this teaser and find the answer!

Where does he come from?

Discover the trip of Paddington!

Here is the correction on the previous page!

Look at the correction on the next page!

Complete this document!

Watch the movie trailer now!

What means of transport does he use?

Other means of transport in London!

Look at the correction on the next page!

Analyze the movie trailer!

Watch the movie trailer!

Understand the story!

Here is the correction on the previous page!

Analyze Paddington's movie trailer!

See the correction on the next page!


Recap lesson!

Here is the correction of the analysis of the movie trailer!

Recap Présent Be + V -ing

See the correction on the next page!

See the correction on the next page!

Recap superlatives!

Here is the correction of the exercise on the present Be + V-ing!

Know more about London!

Let's discover London with Paddington!

Match the pairs!

See the correction on the next page!

Here is the correction of the superlatives

Here is the correction of the document on London facts

Complete the document!

Do the learning Apps!

Let's discover London with Paddington!

For each text, notice the superlatives (if there are some) and write them in your copybook!

Read these 5 reading comprehensions!

Reading comprehensions about London!

Let's discover London with Paddington!

Here is the correction of the document on London and its places of interest

Learn all this very well!--> next page, evaluation on reading comprehension, superlatives and numbers!

Remember!For the dates, we cut in two!

Recap numbers!

Read the texts of page 12 again and note all the numbers and dates in your copybook! Thn, next to each number, write the correspondance in letter!

Practice on big numbers!

Let's discover London with Paddington!

Send it to me on May 22nd maximum!

Reading comprehension test!

Let's discover London with Paddington!

Read this book!Lisa goes to London!

Discover London!to go further (optional)

Discover London!to go further (optional reading)

Learn the directions to help Paddington!

But he doesn't understand, so you have to help him!

To find his way, he decides to buy a travel guide of London!

Paddington doesn't remember the names of these monuments!Find them to help him!

Paddington is lost in London!

Now, Paddington is at Waterloo Station and wants to go to Hyde Park.Give him the directions!

+ practice on Quizlet

Remember the directions to help Paddington!

Paddington is at Victoria Station and wants to go to the London Eye.Give him the directions!

Correction of the monuments of London

Paddington is lost in London!

Correction of itinerary 2

Here is an example of correction of the Itinerary 1

Remember the prepositions of place

Here is a blank map!Listen to the different itineraries and trace them on the map with different colors

Paddington is lost in London!

+ practice on Quizlet

Remember the directions to help Paddington!

Intermediary Project on the next page!

Here are other itineraries to train!

Read about these people who are trying to find their way in London!

Remember the prepositions of place

+ practice on Quizlet

Remember the directions to help Paddington!

Paddington is lost in London!

Here are some blank maps!

You have until May 29th maximum to send me your intermediary project!

Send me your video by email (via Wetransfer)

Intermediary project

Remember the prepositions of place

+ practice on Quizlet

Remember the directions to help Paddington!

Paddington is lost in London!

coins and banknotes

Know more about the UK currency

And answer to the questions

Look at this document

Paddington wants to buy souvenirs!

This will be useful for your final project!

Read this document to visit London according to your interests.

Paddington gives you ideas to visit London!

These 3 actions are the beginning of a typical day!Let's see the rest of the day on the next page!

Click on each image to know the verb!

Recap simple present!

Write a sentence for each image!

Read this book!

Look at some actions!

Do you remember this book?!

Paddington's daily life in London!

Learn the vocabulary on the quizlet!

Correction on the next page!

When you have the correction of the matching, write 12 sentences (one for each image, in the order of the day)

Match the different actions with the corresponding pictures

Paddington's daily life in London!

Recap on hours!

Correction on the next page!

Write about Jack's daily routine.


Learn the vocabulary on the quizlet!

Train with this document.

When you talk about the routine, you have to know about the hours!

Correction of Paddington's daily routine!

Paddington's daily life in London!

Write the hours in letters and in numbers in parentheses!

Correction on the next page!

Correction of Jack's daily routine!

Write about Tom's daily routine with the adverbs of frequency and the hours.

+ adverbs of frequency to learn by heart!

Lesson to write in the copybook!


Learn the vocabulary on the quizlet!

When you learn about daily routine, you must learn about frequency!

Paddington's daily life in London!


Learn the vocabulary on the quizlet!

Practice with fun!

Correction of Tom's daily routine!

Paddington's daily life in London!

You have until June 12th maximum to send me your lesson test!

Write about Stacy's daily Routine as you did for Tom on the previous page

Lesson test

Paddington's daily life in London!

REMEMBER: you listen to it several times, and you complete your notes each time!

Write a quick summary at the 3rd person singular!

Take notes as we do in class!

Listen to this oral comprehension!

Daily routine

REMEMBER: you listen to it several times, and you complete your notes each time!

Write a quick summary at the 3rd person singular!

Take notes as we do in class!

Listen to this oral comprehension!

Daily routine

Talk about your daily routine!This is an oral training for you!(it is not the final project!)Use: -the verbs of actions-the adverbs of frequency-the hours (be precise)

Paddington's daily life in London!

You have until June 26th maximum to send me your final project!

This project is a writing exercise!

Send me your work by email.

Final project

Paddington's daily life