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Student Chapter Officers Resource Center

Quick Links

Update your officer roster

Membership reporting (Membership Builder)

Email your members (Informz)

Annual Report


Operations and Governance

Events and Activities

Communications and Marketing



Grow, Support, Retain

Marketing Materials

Contact chapters@spe.org with questions

Cheat Sheet

Operations and Governance

Officer RolesOperating RegulationsSPE PoliciesSPE Strategy and Goal SettingHealth CheckAnnual Report and Awards

Section & FA Support

Timeline and Deadlines

Succession Planning and Elections

Officer Roles

  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Membership Chairperson
  4. Secretary
  5. Treasurer

All student chapters are required to appoint a minimum of 3 of these core officers, and have officers on file throughout the year, in order to meet maintenace requirements. Additional positions may be appointed, as appropriate.The Faculty Advisor is not a core officer or voting position - but a required position for all chapters. All officers should be paid SPE members in and should be added to the official

Operations and Governance

SPEI Board Structure

The student chapter board should include 5 at-large, voting positions, which are:

Officer Recruitment Best Practices and Position Descriptions

officer roster.

On-Demand Leadership Training

Operating Regulations

Operations and Governance

Operating regulations are a governing document for the management and activities of the chapter. They are an agreement between your student chapter and your members. Student chapters are required to follow the . Any changes to these regulations require approval from SPE. Operating regulations should be clear, concise and non-restrictive and should include details on the board structure, election rules, amendments, and dissolution clauses.

Additional policies and operating guidelines should also be maintained by the student chapter, and should include information on the following areas:

  • Board position descriptions and responsibilities
  • Board meeting frequency and process
  • Committee details
  • Details on succession and term dates
  • Financial rules and managing reserves
  • Refund/event cancellation

Board Meeting Agenda Template

Check out this template for tips on running an efficient and effective board meeting:

standard operating regulations

Succession Planning and Elections

Operations and Governance

It is recommended that board officer terms should be minimum of 1 year / maximum of 3 years. To allow for succession planning, terms of service should be staggered. All voting officer roles (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Chairperson) should be open for re-election after the term time ends. If at any time during the term a board member resigns, the chapter President should select a member to fill the vacancy for the remaining term. If the President resigns, the Vice-President should become the President and appoint another member as Vice-President. Election processes take many different forms. SPE has put together of an election process which chapters are recommended to adopt where possible, to aid transparency and fair recruitment process.One of the challenges when it comes to succession planning, is ensuring information gets effectively transferred from outgoing to incoming officers. Thus it is even more important to think carefully about how your student chapter stores its information and how this can be made accessible to your successors.


Update Officer Roster

Check out the Transition Checklist

SPE Policies

Student chapters must comply with SPE policies in order to meet maintence requirements. For a full overview of all policies to which individual members of chapters must comply, visit the

The following policies are specific to council, section, and student chapter operations:

Operations and Governance

policies and procedures page.

Email Policy for Sections, Student Chapters, and Councils

Insurance and Alcohol Guidelines

Policy to Establish and Maintain an SPE Student Chapter

Section and Student Chapter Event Guidelines

Event Code of Conduct, including virtual

SPE Strategy and Goal Setting

Operations and Governance

  • Concern for attracting and preparing a next-generation workforce
  • Energy transition and our place in it
  • Industry reputation and public perception
  • Technology development in oil and gas (including sustainable technologies)
  • Challenges in maximizing oil and gas production and recovery

The current strategic plan was approved by the SPE International Board of Directors in January 2023 and focuses on Envisioning the Future of SPE to address member-reported priorities around:

All student chapter officers globally are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the strategic plan and ensure local activities and practices are in line with the mission, vision, core values and strategic direction of the organization.

SPE Strategic Plan

Setting SMART goals to achieve your strategy

Health Checks

Operations and Governance

It is expected that all chapters meet certain requirements to maintain their status of an SPE student chapter. All chapters will be assessed as to whether they have met the minimum requirements and have performed to a satisfactory level on other performance metrics during the Student Chapter Annual Health Check. Low-performing student chapters will be considered ‘at risk’ and may be placed on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) for the upcoming year--or disestablished at the discretion of the Regional Director and SPE staff. Refer to the following documents to ensure your chapter meets all criteria before 1 December.


Policy to Establish and Maintain an SPE Student Chapter

Checklist for Annual Student Chapter Health Check

Timeline for Annual Student Chapter Health Check

Annual Reports and Awards

Operations and Governance

Each year, student chapters must submit an annual report for compliance. Login details are sent to the President approximately six weeks before the deadline. Annual report submission deadline: 1 April. The 2024 annual report has launched! Login details have been sent to the President on file as of 23 January.

Annual Reports

Student chapters meeting eligibility requirements - including submission of the annual report by 1 April can apply for award consideration. The awards program is changing beginning with the upcoming 2024 cycle.


Annual ReportBest Practices

Read Award Winning Reports

Read more here.

Section Support

Operations and Governance

It is important that sections and student chapters establish strong relationships with each other to aid the transition from student-to-professional members and cultivate the next generation of section leaders and engineers. Sections may choose to sponsor one or more student chapters. In doing so, the section commits to assisting the student chapter with training, mentoring, planning activities, and providing financial support. Funds are not sent directly to student chapters. In order to receive student support funds, sections must indicate in their annual report that they provide financial support to students. Please note for 2022 the board made the decision to suspend student support funds due to the downturn in the industry.

Section Best Practices for Sponsoring a Student Chapter

SPEI expects sections to effectively support their student chapters. Read more here:

Student Chapter Liaison

Operations and Governance

The student chapter liaison is a professional member of the sponsoring section who works closely with the faculty advisors and chapter officers to help local students transition into professional members by encouraging participation in section activities.

  • Maintaining frequent contact with the faculty advisor and chapter officers
  • Offering suggestions for field trips, speakers, etc.
  • Encouraging section members to participate in student chapter activities
  • Inviting student members to attend section activities
  • Attending student chapter officer meetings when possible
  • Working with chapter officers to develop a recruitment and retention strategy
  • Encouraging students to apply for society-sponsored scholarships
  • Reporting to the section board any pertinent information to support the student chapter
  • Helping local students transition into professional members by encouraging participation in activities

Responsibilities include:

Faculty Advisor

Operations and Governance

As a staff member of the university academic community and SPE, the Faculty Advisor provides a communications link between the student chapter, university, and the sponsoring section. The faculty advisor serves as a guide for the students in developing and implementing goals, objectives, and programs. As members of the student chapter change from year-to-year, the faculty advisor is the constant link between the student chapter and the section. Whenever possible, the faculty advisor should also serve as an officer of the section board.


Apart from being a current SPE member at the time of appointment, faculty advisor membership dues are complimentary each year as a thank you for their service.

Role and Responsibilities

  • Ensure that at least one meeting per year is held between chapter officers and the university department
  • Guide the formation and implementation of goals, objectives and programs
  • Remind the chapter to remain aligned with the SPE vision
  • Oversee policy compliance—such as logos use and events
  • Attend officer meetings
  • Promote interaction and cooperation with other university groups
  • Work closely with the student chapter liaison of the sponsoring section
  • Attend the sponsoring section board meetings, when possible
  • Ensure chapter officers are aware of and accomplishing their responsibilities
  • Ensure chapter officers meet annual maintenance requirements—including submission of the annual report by the 1 April deadline
  • Oversee use of chapter funds
  • Ensure well managed annual handover from one group of student chapter officers to the next

Timeline and Deadlines

Operations and Governance

In addition to submitting an annual report, chapters have other deadlines throughout the year relating to their participation in the programs, applying for scholarships, and renewing membership.Never miss a deadline again by adding those important dates to your calendar.

Timeline and Deadlines


Best PracticesTreasurer's RoleAuditing Financial RecordsFundraising

Best Practices


All funds generated by student chapters should be used to further the Society's mission. The goal of the Society is the dissemination of technical information rather than generating surplus funds. Programs should be self-sufficient and budgeted to break even. As the funds belong to your members, it is important you are transparent with your financials. Budgets should be shared with your members for review, so they are aware of how funds will be used for the year. After the approval of an annual budget, the membership should be provided quarterly updates with actuals to budget. Being transparent with your members also protects you as an officer. Funds should be used for the overall benefit of the membership. As such, typically it is not an appropriate use of chapter funds to pay for an officer’s travel to attend events for professional development.

Webinars with SPEI's CFO

Budgeting Best Practices



It is the Treasurer’s responsibility to manage the student chapter’s finances, which include the following:

  • Receive and disburse funds as approved by the faculty advisor
  • Complete financial statement to include with the annual report
  • Provide financial reports and make recommendations on the management of your student chapter’s finances
  • Reconcile all accounts and prepare the annual operating budget

Auditing Financial Records


The student chapter should perform an audit of its financial records.It is recommended for audits to take place before each new Treasurer assumes office. We recommend having your Faculty Advisor and President conduct an informal audit (or review) to ensure an orderly transfer of financial records.To mitigate risk to SPE, a student chapter may be audited at any time.

  • Lost contact/no officers
  • Absence of financial reporting
  • Large cash balances
  • Large, unexplained reduction in cash balance

Key indicators to SPE that an audit is needed include:



Student chapters may engage in fundraising activities provided they do not obligate SPE to debt or defamation. The following resources are a good place to begin with seeking monetary support:

  • Your sponsoring section
  • Local companies
  • Your university

To obtain funding to participate in an external event, refer to the

guide for requesting sponsorship for event attendance.


Membership Dues CycleGraduating Students to ProfessionalsStudent SupportMembership BuilderVolunteerismLocal Recognition Resources

Membership Dues Cycle


The SPE membership year is January through December. Even though student members may opt to use the Chevron sponsorship, there is still a requirement to renew membership each year to continue to receive benefits and have access to resources. Throughout the year, SPEI runs an extensive campaign to encourage members globally to renew their membership.

Student chapters are strongly encouraged to run internal renewal campaigns along similar timelines as SPEI’s campaign to maximize the impact of the message and to ensure members renew by the end of the year. SPE offers free membership for the first year after graduation, so it is worthwhile reminding soon-to-graduate students of this advantage. Local campaigns can be made very effective through a combination of email, call, and face-to-face approaches.

Dues Renewal Timeline

Graduating Student-to-Professionals


SPE offers a wide range of complimentary professional membership benefits when they graduate. By becoming a professional member, recent graduates can advance their career through networking opportunities with more senior professionals within the section, new leadership, and volunteer opportunities to engage in and access to technical information through resources such as SPE Connect, journals, technical conferences, and webinars. Recent graduates do not have to have a job in the industry to convert to professional membership; in fact, becoming a professional member can help with career advancement and securing their first job in the industry. Hence, student chapters are encouraged to work closely with their sponsoring section to ensure a smooth transition from student to professional member.


Read more

  • Professional Membership Benefits
  • The Journey From Graduate Student to Professional Member
  • Membership Best Practices
  • Membership Strategies - Key Components
  • Know Your Members and Boost Engagement Through Surveys

Student Support


YMEC is the global committee who ensure that young professional and student engagement remains a top priority for SPE. YMEC reports directly to the SPE Board of Directors and is responsible for international student activities.

Young Member Engagement Commmittee

View the available scholarship programs and promote these opportunities to other student members within your student chapter.

Scholarships and Fellowships

Read more

Student Programs


SPEI offers many international programs in which student members can participate, including the Student Paper Contest, PetroBowl, and eMentoring. Student chapters should encourage their members to participate in these to help them develop their technical and soft skills, and prepare them for their professional careers ahead.

Read more

Each year SPE’s Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE) hosts a program specifically tailored for students, which includes the international divisions of the Student Paper Contest, the PetroBowl Championship, Career Pathways Fair, Communication Skills Workshop, Student Meet and Greet, a Student Chapter Officers’ Meeting, Student Awards Luncheon, and more. Student chapters should encourage their members to attend ATCE where possible.

Membership Builder



Get to know your members by viewing charts reporting with prior-month data.The rosters contain more details about your members including graduation date, field of study, join date, renewal status and more. Membership Builder is available only to current student chapter officers ilisted on the roster. Used your usual SPE.org log-in and password to access.The information on the rosters may be used only for programs endorsed by SPE. Use or reproduction of the information for commercial purposes or for programs not endorsed by SPE is strictly prohibited and subject to legal action.

Best Practices

User Guide




Membership Renewal Campaign

Retention is the key element to a successful member organization.

  • Offer members value – highlight the benefits that sets SPE apart from other organizations
  • Personalize approach – engage the individual member, greet them at events, showcase their achievement as it relates to membership (awards, committee assignments, volunteerism, etc.)
  • Allow multiple avenues for engagement opportunities – committee appointments, speaking opportunities, volunteering, etc.
  • Enhance networking channels – fundraising, events, and social gatherings
  • Make it easy to renew – coordinate with SPEI’s renewal campaign

This guide includes a suite of materials, including a Tik-Tok style promo video.



Volunteers are the driving force behind SPE and its activities. Getting the right people to volunteer is not always as easy as it might seem. Ensuring a good match between your volunteers and their responsibilities is essential for making your student chapter’s activities a success. Here are some on how you can drive engagement.SPE International does not record or provide certificates for local volunteers but encourages you to create a program that fits your chapter.To help, we have created

Volunteer with SPEI

Best Practices


appreciation letter and certificate templates



Engage members by celebrating your student chapter's milestone anniversary!Graphics are availiable for download in the Officer Community library of Connect. Add to social media posts, promos, letterhead, or your email signature.

Just as SPE recognizes international Student Paper Contest participants and winners, and Presidential Award for Oustanding Student Chapters, your student chapter is encouraged to provide local recognition to increase member engagement...and fun!

Local Awards

Milestone Anniversary

Download Graphics

Member Profile

Best Practices

How-to Guide

Officers may download their own personalized appreciation letters and certificates from their SPE.org profile. After clicking the “Volunteer Service and Letters” link, they may view current and past volunteer activity. Note: Only official official positions are included.




A Powerpoint presentation is available for your use when recruiting new members. Slides include the benefits of joining SPE as well as information on individual programs. is a thorough presentation that includes SPE's mission and vision statement, strategic priorities, history of SPE, as well as the benefits of being a member. It includes technical resources, online resources, and programs just for students.

Introduction to SPE

Communications and Marketing

System to Email Your Members (Informz)Social Media and WebsitesSPE ConnectMarketing TipsLogos, Letterhead, and Business CardseUpdate

System to Email Members (Informz)

Communications and Marketing

SPE provides all student chapters with a complimentary broadcast email service, so you can communicate with your members via email. This system includes reporting on the success of your email and ensures compliance with all privacy laws. Due to strengthening privacy laws, all emails related to SPE business must be sent through the broadcast email service. Please do not maintain lists of email addresses. All officers using the broadcast emails service should familiarize themselves with the:


Email Policy for Sections and Student Chapters

Log in using your SPE.org credentials

Broadcast email system user guide

Data protection best practices

Social Media and Websites

Communications and Marketing

As a global brand, it is important that all student chapters globally are presenting themselves in a similar manner. Doing so will help to create a global brand awareness.Sections and student chapters with a greater online presence work to boost our prestigious organization. Thus, if your student chapter has social media pages, you should follow these tips to ensure you are branding them in the right way.


Follow and interact with SPEI on our accounts and use the hashtag #WeAreSPE

Student chapters may choose to create a website to provide a greater online presence. When doing so, all chapters should ensure they adhere to the

Website Guidelines.

Social Media Guides

#WeAreSPE Highlights

Social Media Guide Social Media for the Socially Distanced

SPE Connect

Communications and Marketing

SPE Connect is a virtual forum where you can meet, collaborate, discuss, and share information with other members.As an officer, you are a member of the Student Chapter Officer community. Take advantage of this resource to share best practices, ask questions, and get in-the-know with officers from around the world. Read from other student chapters.


Engagement Tips


Success Stories

Communication and Escalation Chart

Communications and Marketing

There may be times when individual student members, or the student chapter as a collective, need to raise an issue or complaint beyond the scope of their student chapter. In such cases it may not always be clear who to go to. Ensuring such communications are done through the official channels not only makes the student chapter come across as being professional, it will also ensure the issue or complaint can be dealt with most effectively.

Learn more about

the importance of great communication skills.

Communication and Complaint Escalation Chart

Marketing Tips

Communications and Marketing

  • Clear, concise, and complete - as well as timely and relevant
  • Answers the questions:
    • “What’s in it for me?”
    • Who, what, why, where, when, and how?
  • Write as though you were talking to a good friend or colleague
  • Keep sentences brief
  • Use bullets or spaces for easier reading
  • Proofread for errors
  • Always send yourself a test mailing

  • Advertising (print and digital)
  • Public relations
  • Postal mail
  • Search engine
  • Email
  • Social media

Message Tips

Marketing Mediums

broadcast email system.

Good communication with your members will help make your programming more successful. For many members, their chapter is SPE, so chapter communications are a reflection of the Society as a whole. Remember, emails regarding SPE must go through the

Logos, Letterhead, and Business Cards

Communications and Marketing

Official student chapter logos, letterhead, and a business card template are provided in the library folder of the Officer Community of SPE Connect. Files are avialable in multiple formats, including one formatted for social media accounts.Reference the and the before using the files.

policy on the use of the SPE name and logo

graphics standards

Logos and Letterhead

Business Cards

NEW! Customize and create a virtual background with your logo.

Virtual Background


Communications and Marketing

SPE sends a quarterly newsletter to all officers to keep them abreast of key information. Included in the eUpdate are tips to help you operate your chapter, as well as success stories of chapters with innovative programs or ideas. Most importantly, these updates include reminders of deadlines, announcements of new resources, and upcoming events.

Read eUpdates

Data Protection

Communications and Marketing

SPEI offers officers access to their members' data through tools such as SPE Connect, broadcast email (Informz), and Membership Builder. It is our duty to protect the data we maintain ensure it is used only within the framework of international data protection policies and laws. To find out more about the do's and don’ts when it comes to data protection, refer to the For more information on how SPEI handles your information, view the

Data Protectionest Practices

data protection best practices.

privacy policy.

Events and Activities

Planning an EventSourcing SpeakersAdvocacy Community Education / Energy4meCommunity Service / SPE CaresGaia

Virtual EventsOfficer Visits

Planning an Event

Events and Activities

Sharing technical knowledge and providing a platform for members to network is one of the keystones of SPE. Student chapters should ensure they provide the right type of events for their local membership, whilst operating in line SPEI's policies.The Events Tips guide outlines best practices when it comes to planning and promoting events locally.


Event Tips


Logo Policy


Helpful Event Documents

Naming Policy

Virtual Events

Events and Activities

While virtual events provide an excellent new way of bringing education to SPE’s members, these events require a higher degree of coordination, planning, and communications both internally and externally. We have compiled a virtual event guide and list of best practices when holding virtual meetings.




Virtual Background

Customize and create a virtual background with your student chapter logo - and use holding slides while attendees wait for your meeting to begin.

The Event Hosting Guidelines provide virtual and hybrid event guidelines for sections and student chapters.

Officer Visits

Events and Activities

Student chapters may request Presidential or Board Member visits for important events, business development reasons, or to meet the local members. Student chapters are advised to submit requests a year in advance for the next President. Late requests for current Presidents may not be able to be fulfilled. Staff will check availiabilty and follow-up with the requestor.

Submit a Request

Best Practices

Sourcing Speakers

Events and Activities

Speaker Source is an online directory which provides section and student chapter officers a searchable database of professionals willing to travel and share their knowledge through in-person presentations to sections. Search for your next speaker today!



Events and Activities

The Society of Petroleum Engineers is occasionally asked to weigh in on issues related to oil and gas policy, regulation, and current events. SPE serves as an objective technical authority for the industry and encourages members to participate in community outreach and education programs that enhance public understanding of the energy industry, and explain technical and economic issues involved in oil and gas exploration and production.

SPE should be objective and impartial when it comes to political matters and government policy. Under this , there are activities that should not be conducted by SPE, either because they are prohibited by the regulations governing SPE’s non-profit status or because they are outside of the scope of SPE’s mission.


Energy Education / Energy4me

Events and Activities

Energy4me is SPE’s program that educates students about the oil and gas industry. The primary Energy4me audience is secondary level students, but the program has activities for elementary and middle school students as well. This global energy education program relies on hands-on activities that use simple components to teach complicated engineering functions used in oil and gas exploration and production.

Globally, SPE offers Energy4me in two environments: conducting workshops for teachers and students at many of SPE’s large conferences and exhibitions, and SPE members conduct classroom presentations at their local schools. Members who wish to conduct classroom presentations are encouraged attend to one of the and be included in our roster of Energy4me Ambassadors.


Ways to Serve Your Community


member training sessions

  • Energy4me website
  • YouTube channel
  • Energy4me logo


  • Giving classroom presentations
  • Participating in local science fairs
  • Mentoring a school science club
  • Sponsoring an energy-themed contest
  • Sharing the Energy4me website with your community, friends, and family
  • Presenting for career days
  • Arranging company facility tours

Sign Up Today

Energy4me Ambassadors

Events and Activities

Energy4me ambassadors are members who have been trained to facilitate energy4me experiments and/or conduct classroom visits to teach energy4me curriculum. The training ensures members get to incorporate hands-on activities (based on energy4me curriculum) in their classroom visits instead of only conducting a classroom presentation.The energy4me team offers training for sections and student chapters who wish to get their officers trained on how to conduct their energy4me event.

Community Service / SPE Cares

Events and Activities

Student Chapters are encouraged to organize community service activities as part of the SPE Cares program. SPE Cares’ objective is to unify and recognize the community services activities that SPE members are already conducting in their respective student chapters. Promote SPE Cares in your area by organizing a community service project, partnering with local government and non-government organizations to further community service initiatives, or ollaborating with other sections and student chapters worldwide for community service initiatives.

Examples include environmental clean ups, serving in soup kitchens or food banks, visiting nursing homes, holding food drives, home or school makeover, tree planting program, organizing a race or walk, donating clothes, toys, books or household goods to local charity, or volunteering at local animal shelter.

Download the official logo from Connect

SPE Gaia Sustainability Program

Events and Activities