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Discover who stole the Blue Carbuncle !


The Blue Carbuncle

Sherlock Holmes

Investigate and interrograte suspects

Miss Brion

"Peterson, the commissionnaire (= le portier) rushed into the apartment [he found a precious stone inside a goose]" (p.166)

December 27th

The crime

the jewel-case

the dressing-table

James Ryder


Who was arrested ?

26 years oldplumber at the Cosmopolitan Hotel

50 years oldworks in the hotel kitchen

30 years oldmanager of the hotel

Mrs Oakshott

John Horner

James Ryder

Their alibis

He was fixing the bathtub in the room next to the Countess' dressing room.

She was working in the kitchen when the robbery happened.

He was doing some business somewhere in the hotel.

Mrs Oakshott

John Horner

James Ryder

"Here is the stone; the stone came from the goose, and the goose came from Mr Henry Baker." (p. 169)

Holmes : "Where did you get the goose from ?" (p.172)

Mr Henry Baker : "I got it at the Alpha Inn, near the Museum to a mister Windigate." (p.172)

Holmes and Watson went to the Alpha Inn.

"Our footfalls rang out crisply and loudly as we swung through the doctor's quarter, Wimpole Street, Harley Street, and so through Wigmore Street into Oxford Street." (p. 173)

"In a quarter of an hour we were in Bloomsbury at the Alpha Inn." (p.173)

"We passed across Holborn, dow Endell Street and through a zigzag of slums to Covent Garden Market." p.175)

Windigate : "I got a dozen [of geese] from a salesman in Covent Garden. [His name is Mr Breckinridge.]" (p.173)

Who is the new suspect ?

26 years oldplumber at the Cosmopolitan Hotel

50 years oldworks in the hotel kitchen

30 years oldmanager of the hotel

Mrs Oakshott

John Horner

James Ryder

Holmes and Watson were about to leave when...

... they met a suspicious man...

What is your name ?

"In half an hour we were back in the sitting-room at Baker Street." (p.178)

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson interrogated the suspect.

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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The Blue Carbuncle

p.161 - p.181

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle