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Anne Laure DESCHAMPS Ac-Bordeaux

You are in lockdown in a bedroom because of Coronavirus ... Are you ready to get out ?


2020, the whole world is dealing with the worst pandemia ever due to coronavirus... You are in lockdown in your room. It will soon be the time to get out but you should not go back to normal because normal was the problem. You can't escape your room unless you find all the clues for a better world ! click on the BACK buttom to look for clues in the room !

Oups...nothing here!!!

Oups...nothing here!!

2020, the whole world is dealing with the worst pademia ever due to a virus... You are in lockdown in your room. It will soon be the time to get out but you should not go back to normal because normal was the problem. You can't escape your room unless you find all the clues for a better world !