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Mario Sepúlveda 
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Mario Sepúlveda

Neil Egaña

He was born on October 4, 1970 in the city of Parral,From that day his grandmother was who took care of me until the age of 13.It was a hard childhood, where I learned with much sacrifice the adversities of life He was born in a peasant family, surrounded by his sisters

When his grandmother died, he decided to look for his own destiny, traveling south, where he worked in a farm in which he remained for more than two years in very poor living conditions. He toured new places in southern Chile, In the city of Magallanes he carried out the military service

In the city of Magallanes he carried out the military service There he met the woman of his life, Elvira Valdivia, his wife and mother of his beautiful children Woman who connected him to the world of mining since his father worked there. 16 years working in mining, where his world changed completely again. I manage to become a heavy machinery operator. What happened in the accident of the San José Mine in 2010, was the biggest test that has lived

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