Akteos helps you wish people around the world a Happy New Year!
Jessica Nguyen
Created on December 4, 2019
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How to wish them a Happy New Year
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Akteos helps you wish people around the world a Happy New Year!
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2022/01/01
New Year's date in Portugal: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? "Feliz Ano Novo" ("Happy New Year") The Portuguese celebrate the New Year from mid-December and multiply the number of team, company, friend or association dinners to wish each other Season's Greetings “Boas Festas”. How do we ring in the New Year? On December 31 during the 12 strokes of midnight the Portuguese make a wish, eat 12 grapes supposed to bring luck and then toast to the New Year by wishing each other a "Feliz Ano Novo" (Happy New Year). On January 1st, in some coastal cities, the most courageous bathe in the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Until the epiphany of January 6 (Dia dos Reis) we enjoy the traditional "Bolo Rei" (King's Cake). Traditionally, the Bolo Rei hides a dry bean and a metal figurine inside. Receiving the bean requires you to offer the next cake, the piece is a lucky one.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in the Great Britain: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" “Season's greetings” “Happy New Year”: “Blwyddyn newydd dda” (Welsh) “Bliadhna mhath ùr” (Scottish Gaelic) “Best wishes for 2020 to you and yours” Now very widespread all over the world, the tradition of sending wishes for the New Year with a Christmas card was born in England in the 19th century. Christmas and New Year greetings are sent or said at the same time in December before the 25th. How do we ring in the New Year? New Year’s Eve is a big party night in Great Britain. In Scotland especially it is a big celebration known as Hogmanay, with which there are many national and local customs. For instance, the "First Footing" a Scottish and North England tradition, supposed that the first person to enter someone’s home on New Year’s will bring all the luck for the coming year with them. To ring in the new year, many Londoners gather along the Thames to watch one of Europe's most impressive fireworks and sing “Auld Lang Syne”. On January 1st, Bank Holiday, there is the huge London’s New Year’s Day Parade with more than 8500 performers.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Netherlands: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Ik wens je alvast fijne feestdagen”(I wish you happy holidays in advance) « Gelukkig nieuw jaar » (Happy New Year) In the Netherlands it is absolutely okay or even recommended to wish someone a good transition to the next year throughout the month of December. After New Year's Eve, you can continue to wish a happy New Year, but after 2 weeks, the Dutch no longer celebrate it because it doesn’t make sense. How do we ring in the New Year? Dutch New Year's Eve is called "Oud en Nieuw" (literally "old and new") during which Oliebollen (literally "oil balls") are made and eaten. A big thing in the Netherlands are fireworks launched at midnight. It is still allowed for private people to buy and use fireworks and the Dutch love them, usually prohibited anytime but the 31st and 1st.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Italia: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Buon Anno“ (“Happy New Year”) Happy New Year wishes are sent just before December 31 or January 1st, or even throughout the following week. How do we ring in the New Year? In Italy, the tradition is to start the New Year with new things. That's why we offer new clothes, often in red. And even underwear! We also throw old dishes out the window and go out on January 1st with pockets full of money to ensure economic prosperity. Also be careful to the first person you will meet; An old person will bring you longevity and luck according to popular belief.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Germany: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? " Guten Rutsch " (Happy New Year Slide: Happy New Year’s Eve) "Frohes neues Jahr, herzliche Grüße" ("Happy New Year, best wishes") Germans usually wish a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year by letter or email early, before December 31. We can possibly even send greetings or answer to greetings in the first days of January. But, in principle, after January 6, it's over! How do we ring in the New Year? New Year’s Eve is celebrated with parties, fireworks and squibs. A fun New Year’s Eve old Tradition in Germany is Bleigießen, Lead Pouring which is to try to divine one’s fortune for the New Year. On January 6, small groups of children are going to sing from house to house, in order to protect and bless their inhabitants. They are rewarded with money, cookies and mandarins.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Russia: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? It is rare for Russians to wish a Happy New Year beyond January 2. They will do it a few days before New Year's Day with "S Nastupaiuchim Novym Godom" (To the new year that is coming to us) "С Новым Годом, с новым счастьем!" = "S Novym Godom! S Novym Schiastiyem!" (To the New Year! To new happiness) How do we ring in the New Year? The New Year is the most celebrated holiday by the Russians. It occurs on December 31, earlier than Christmas (which is celebrated on Jan. 7) and it is on this occasion that they offer gifts. On New Year’s Eve, Russians decorate their “Yolkas” (New Year's Tree) and salads are part of the traditionnal menu. At midnight, the bell ringing on the Kremlin’s Spasskaya tower. During this minute, we open the bottle, pour the champagne, make a wish and clink glasses with our loved ones precisely when the clock strikes 12. NB: Russia’s “Old” New Year is on January 14 according to the Julian, or Orthodox calendar but nowadays December 31 is the most celebrated.
New York
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date in the USA: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Greetings are sent by letter or email from mid-December to wish "Happy Holidays". Then "Happy New Year" from December 31, generally until the 1st week of January. For the greeting card, a quote full of hope and motivation can be used. How do we ring in the New Year? New Year’s Eve is a major social holiday for Americans. The ball drop at Times Square in New York City has become a national New Year's festivity which is broadcast across the land. Some Americans band together and sing "Auld Lang Syne," to bid farewell to the old year. There is also the custom of creating New Year's resolutions: intentions that we either want to give up, or welcome to improve life or for self-development. New Year’s Day is a national holiday suitable for brunches to reunite friends and family after a long evening.
Washington D.C.
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date in the USA: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Greetings are sent by letter or email from mid-December to wish "Happy Holidays". Then "Happy New Year" from December 31, generally until the 1st week of January. For the greeting card, a quote full of hope and motivation can be used. How do we ring in the New Year? New Year’s Eve is a major social holiday for Americans. Parties and special events pop up all over the country. Many towns and cities put on a show with fireworks and provide noisemakers, meant to scare off evil spirits. Some Americans band together and sing "Auld Lang Syne," to bid farewell to the old year. There is also the custom of creating New Year's resolutions: intentions that we either want to give up, or welcome to improve life or for self-development. New Year’s Day is a national holiday suitable for brunches to reunite friends and family after a long evening.
Los Angeles
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date in the USA: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Greetings are sent by letter or email from mid-December to wish "Happy Holidays". Then "Happy New Year" from December 31, generally until the 1st week of January. For the greeting card, a quote full of hope and motivation can be used. How do we ring in the New Year? New Year’s Eve is a major social holiday for Americans. Parties and special events pop up all over the country. Many towns and cities put on a show with fireworks and provide noisemakers, meant to scare off evil spirits. Some Americans band together and sing "Auld Lang Syne," to bid farewell to the old year. There is also the custom of creating New Year's resolutions: intentions that we either want to give up, or welcome to improve life or for self-development. New Year’s Day is a national holiday suitable for brunches to reunite friends and family after a long evening or to attend the annual Rose Parade.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in France: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? It is from January 1st at midnight that we can wish “Bonne année” (Happy New Year) and “Meilleurs voeux” (Best wishes), this until January 31st! In fact, during this time, as soon as we meet someone we haven't seen since the beginning of the year, it's common to wish him/her a happy new year... How do we ring in the New Year? The French New Year’s Eve celebration is called “Le Réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre“ often with friends but also in family. All across France, New Year’s Eve is celebrated in a variety of ways from parades and fireworks to dances and light shows. Many people gather on the Champs-Elysées (Paris) to watch the fireworks at The Arc de Triumphe. January 1st is a public holiday in France and some daring French people swim, sometimes disguised, in the very cool waters of the English Channel, the Atlantic or the Mediterranean Sea to start the year! It is also good to know that at the end of the school holidays on January 6, the Epiphany is celebrated, where the traditional "galette des rois" is shared.
New Year's date : 2023/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date in Quebec: 2023/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Bonne année” (Happy New Year) “Meilleurs voeux” (Best wishes) Some people wish a happy new year before January 1st, especially before their vacation, but it seems that the best time to send greetings to colleagues and customers is the first week of January. How do we ring in the New Year? After celebrating New Year’s Eve by watching fireworks and drinking champagne at midnight, on January 1st, a public holiday, there is a somewhat crazy tradition: "The dip of the polar bear" which consists of bathing in the frozen waters of the nearest lake, sea, river or ocean! Ideal to purify yourself and start the new year! "La guignolée" is also an old Quebec tradition around sharing, which originally came from residents of a village who went around the houses on Christmas Eve to collect a few donations which were then redistributed to the poorest. Nowadays, it takes the form of sometimes publicized campaigns with celebrities.
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Happy New Year! - 1 January 2020 Selamat Tahun Baru! - 1 January 2020 恭喜发财 (Gōng Xǐ Fā Cái) - 25 January 2020 தமிழ்ப்புத்தாண்டு (Puthandu Vazthukal) - 14 April 2020 Singapore is famously known as the country with the “melting pot of cultures”. With its 4 main cultures , which are the Chinese, Malays, Indians, and Eurasians, there is certainly more than one way of wishing each other. How do we ring in the New Year? The different cultures celebrate their new year at different times, for example in 2020, the Chinese will be celebrating the Year of the Rat on the 25th of January while the Indians have their Puthandu on the 14th of April. However, the 1st of January is synonymously celebrated by all Singaporeans alike. Fireworks can be seen from all along the Singapore River which runs through the heart of Singapore and everyone will gather at the Marina Bay area for the amazing spectacle.
Sao Paulo
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date in Brazil: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Feliz año novo! Tudo de bom para você e para a sua família” (“Happy New Year! All the best for you and your family”) How do we ring in the New Year? To celebrate the New Year, Brazilians wear all white (including underwear), many shows are organized with a very festive atmosphere with music and Caipirinhas or other alcoholic drinks to "break the ice". To bring fortune, Brazilians have a tradition of eating three grains of pomegranate or grapes and to bring happiness, you should celebrate the New Year by jumping 7 waves at sea.
Buenos Aires
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Argentina: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? We wish "Feliz año nuevo" (Happy New Year) from January 1st at midnight and up to El día de los Reyes Magos (Epiphany). How do we ring in the New Year? New Years Eve, called “Nochevieja” (literally “Old Night”), may be celebrated around a asado, the famous Argentinian barbecue, and often in the street and quite loudly. A tradition wants that Argentines get rid of their old papers which they tear into tiny bits and which they throw out the window like confetti.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Ireland: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? In english : Happy New Year! In galleic : Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit! (or « Athbhliain faoi mhaise daoibh » if we are talking to more than one person. How do we ring in the New Year? On December 31, Irish have dinner with family / friends or we go to the pub. When midnight approaches, everyone counts down out loud then they kiss and wish each other a "Happy New Year". There is an old tradition which is still respected in certain families where all those present at midnight go out with the old year through the back door of the house, then come back with the new year through the front door, to bring the family good luck. For 2 days, the Irish capital organizes the "New Year's Festival of Dublin" where the famous "Procession of Light" is very much awaited. This event consists in illuminating the city's greatest monuments with 3D projection.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Mexico: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Feliz Año Nuevo!” (Happy New Year) is often the first expression that is shared among friends and family on January 1st. “Feliz ano nueva para todos“ (“Happy New Year to everyone“) How do we ring in the New Year? Nochevieja (“New Year’s Eve”), on December 31st is a big deal in Mexico, and people like to get together with family and friends to celebrate the year-end. Fireworks, grapes, sparkling wine, hugs and music are how Mexicans celebrate New Year’s Eve. The most popular New Year’s Eve tradition is to eat 12 grapes in 12 seconds. The grapes represent the 12 months of the year. It’s said that if you manage to eat all the grapes in 60 seconds your 12 wishes will come true and you will have good luck throughout the upcoming year. Other people concentrate on their 12 New Year’s resolutions, because it’s said that if you think about your goals while eating the grapes you will succeed in accomplishing all of them. Mexicans also believe that wearing red underwear will bring good fortune in love, a good and passionate year for those who are married, and a new love for those who are single. Wearing yellow underwear will bring happiness, good luck with money, and possibly a promotion at work.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Spain: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? From January 1st we wish everyone, neighbors, friends, co-workers, colleagues, etc. a happy new year. and until January 31. In Castilian: “Felices fiestas y feliz año“ (Happy holidays and happy new year) In Catalan: « Bon nadal y feliç any nou » - « Bon nadal y pròsper any nou » (Merry Christmas and Happy New Year ) In Basque: “Zorionak eta urte berri on” (Happy New Year and Best wishes) In Galician: “Bo nadal e próspero ano” (Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year) How do we ring in the New Year? On December 31, New Year's Eve, it is celebrated with family (essential value of the country), around a delicious meal. During the 12 "strokes" of midnight, we eat 12 grapes by following the bells of the bell tower located in Madrid at the Puerta del Sol (broadcast by all the TVs in the country and followed by all the inhabitants of the country). In Spain, we finish and start the year with the family! Those who wish (usually the youngest) then go out to celebrate the New Year with their friends and very often until the early hours! In some families but not all, we also celebrate January 1st with the family around the first lunch of the year.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Greece: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Kali Chronia! “ (“Happy New Year“) How do we ring in the New Year? New Year is a day of celebration. At midnight we do cut a lucky charm cake called 'vasilopita'. The cake is cut in a very special ways honoring the eldest of the family/community first starting with grandpa followed by grandma, etc. Each family member has its turn based on birth sequence down to the youngest child born. The person who finds the lucky charm in their cake is supposed to have special luck for the year ahead. The same happens in all business communities such as government, ministries, companies and associations throughout the entire month of January.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Turkey: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Turks are used to wishing each other good wishes verbally, first to the people with whom they spend New Year’s and then for a few days - about a week - as they make contact. Greeting cards can be sent throughout the month of January, but it is very appreciated to be among the first on the list. How do we ring in the New Year? It was not until 1926 when Turkey adopted the Gregorian calendar that Dec. 31 gained significance as being the last day of the year. In 1935, Parliament made Jan. 1, "New Year's Day," an official holiday; hence, the popularity of celebrating New Year's Eve on Dec. 31 was born. Parallel to the commercialization of Christmas in the Western world, Turks and especially urbanites have embraced New Year's Eve as a holiday to decorate with trees and lights, exchange gifts, watch fireworks and celebrate in grandiose style.
Tel Aviv
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/09/18
New Year's date in Israel: 2020/09/18
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It is good to know that : • The United Arab Emirates is a melting pot of several nationalities whose habits and customs are mixed. • According to the Hegira calendar, Muslims are in 1441 since September 1. However, Dubai's January 1st fireworks are known worldwide for being among the most beautiful and spectacular in the world, including that of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest tower in the world.
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
Moroccans celebrate the New Year 3 times, depending on the layer of society to which they belong, each of these festivals has a specific value. Gregorian Calendar New Year's Day: January 1 is a public holiday. The new year of the Hegira or Ras el Am, public holiday: 1st Moharram of the new year of the Hegira 1441 was Sunday September 1, 2019 Berber New Year: 1st yenaye, January 12 is not a holiday. How do we wish someone a happy New Year? عام سعيد : (aam saiid / sana saiida : Happy New Year) كل عام وأنتم بخير (kull 3âm wa antum bi-xayr : Best wishes for a happy new year) How do we ring in the New Year? Traditionally, the locals enjoy the New Year at home with family and friends, eating, dancing traditional cakes, have a best time, often heading out at midnight to watch the fire jobs caross Ain Diab in the Corniche of Casablanca.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/08/20
New Year's date in Senegal: 2020/08/20
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Traditionally, India follows multiple calendars (lunar and solar). So, each region in India celebrates the new year according to its calendar. For example, in Chennai (the capital of Tamilnadu), the Tamil New Year is celebrated on April 14. Bengaluru (in the Karnataka region) celebrates its new year, Ugadi, in March/April. It involves praying, buying new clothes and eating a delicious and hearty meal with the family. January 1 is also celebrated in the same way. People go to mass or temples according to their religion to start the Gregorian New Year under better auspices. Others attend New Year’s Eve parties. Because relationships are important in India, it is customary to send New Year's greetings to important clients. But very quickly because on January 14, the Indians celebrate the Pongal (in Chennai) or the Sankranti (elsewhere in India) to celebrate the harvest season.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/25
New Year's date in Indonesia: 2020/01/25 In Indonesia, Imlek (Chinese New Year) is the biggest event for the Chinese-Indonesian community. How do we wish someone a happy New Year? "Selamat tahun baru" (Happy New Year) How do we ring in the New Year? National Holiday since 2003, the new year is an opportunity to get together with family and pray. Decorations, dragon dances, demonstrations of traditional martial arts, fireworks, enliven the streets. Do you want to know more about Indonesian culture ? >> Discover our cross-cultural training
Kuala Lumpur
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In Malaysia, the most important holidays are Eid for Muslims, Chinese New Year for Chinese, and Thaipusam and Diwali for Indians. How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Selamat tahun baru! (Happy New Year) How do we ring in the New Year? In Malaysia, January 1st is a public holiday, but this day is not symbolically charged like in the West. Chinese New Year is a big event. It is the opportunity to get together with family and pray. Decorations, dragon dances, demonstrations of traditional martial arts, fireworks, enliven the streets. The 2 first day are public holidays followed by a week of holidays.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Australia: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Happy New Year!” How do we ring in the New Year? Australians take great pride in being one of the first countries to welcome in the new year where midnight marks the launch of spectacular fireworks in its capital cities and the beginning of many parties around the country that continue until the early hours of January 1. Being in the southern hemisphere and known for its beach culture, Australians and visiting tourists will head to the beach or attend barbecues in homes or parks where a friendly game of cricket has become a much-loved tradition. It is a day for friends and family to get together during what is part of a longer 2-week period where most Australians take the time to have a break from work from Christmas eve until the second week in January. During this time many businesses operate with minimal staff or close for business altogether. Schools break for the holidays the week before Christmas eve and resume at the end of January. On return to work, it is usual to receive emails with the opening line ""happy new year"" - a courtesy that is extended between colleagues before continuing on with the business at hand."
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/25
New Year's date in Hong Kong: 2020/01/25 In Chinese astrology, each year is assigned an animal sign in a 12-year cycle. 2020 is the year of the rat, which begins on January 25 according to the lunar Chinese calendar. How do we wish someone a happy New Year? It is from midnight of the New Year that we can wish happy new year and present wishes, and during the 5 days after. 新年好 xin nian hao (Happy New Year) 恭喜发财 gong xi fa cai (May wealth go with you) How do we ring in the New Year? Families and friends visit each other, always around meals. Parents give red envelopes with money to their children, which, in return, are supposed to express piety and loyalty to the family and the elderly. It is also traditional for people born under the same animal sign as the New Year to wear red on Chinese New Year, for example red underwear, a red belt or red lace-up… to chase away evil spirits. We also go to the temple to pray for happiness and peace for our loved ones. The famous Wong Tai Sin temple in Hong Kong is a popular location to make the first prayers of the New Year and as such, it is filled with thousands of people carrying incense from the evening before. It is Public holiday during 3 days and there are many celebration like night parade, fireworks, and horse racing.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/01
New Year's date in Japan: 2020/01/01 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? Before December 31: よいお年を:“yoï otoshi o” (Have a Happy New Year) After January 1st : 新年 おめでとう “shin'nèn omédétô” (Happy New Year) How do we ring in the New Year? First we do ōsōji. It's the big end-of-year cleaning. We throw away old paper, documents that are no longer used, etc. Everything must be clean in order to approach the New Year. At the entrance of the house or business, a floral decoration made of pine and bamboo is placed, which will then be burnt. There are two options for wishing someone a happy new year, depending on whether it is before December 31 or after January 1st. It is customary to go to the Shinto or Buddhist temple after midnight, which marks the first visit of the year. Buddhist temples ring their bell 108 times with the help of a huge hammer to represent the 108 earthly desires from which man must free himself. The first sunrise is an attraction. As well as the first meal which is generous. The following meals will be light, but we will eat with delight the mochi, sticky rice cake filled with red bean paste. January 1st is a statutory holiday and businesses are closed for the next few days.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/01/25
New Year's date in China: 2020/01/25 In Chinese astrology, each year is assigned an animal sign in a 12-year cycle. 2020 is the year of the rat, which begins on January 25 according to the lunar Chinese calendar. How do we wish someone a happy New Year? It is from midnight of the New Year that we can wish happy new year and present wishes, and during the 5 days after. 新年好 xin nian hao (Happy New Year) 恭喜发财 gong xi fa cai (May wealth go with you) How do we ring in the New Year? Families and friends visit each other, always around meals. Parents give red envelopes with money to their children, which, in return, are supposed to express piety and loyalty to the family and the elderly. It is also traditional for people born under the same animal sign as the New Year to wear red on Chinese New Year, for example red underwear, a red belt or red lace-up… to chase away evil spirits. We also go to the temple to pray for happiness and peace for our loved ones. Chinese New Year, also known as Spring Festival or Lunar New Year, is the biggest festival in China, with a 7-day public holiday. As the most colorful annual event, there are many celebrations like night parade, fireworks during two weeks in Shanghai.
How to say 'Happy New Year' and how it is celebrated in
New Year's date : 2020/04/13
New Year's date in Laos: 2020/04/13 How do we wish someone a happy New Year? “Sok di pi mai”, literally “good luck for the new year”