Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




It's a catastrophe! Charlie has lost his golden ticket...

Catastrophe! Charlie a perdu son ticket d'or...


It must be somewhere in the house. Help Charlie find it or he won't be allowed to visit the chocolate factory

Il doit se trouver quelque-part dans la maison! Aide Charlie à le retrouver ou il ne sera pas autorisé à visiter la chocolaterie...

Please, come in!

Maybe Grandma Josephine's husband can help you...

Click on his face!

Grandpa Joe hasn't seen the golden ticket. Maybe Grandma Georgina's husband has a clue...

a clue : un indice

Click on his nose!

Bad luck! Grandpa George hasn't seen the golden ticket.But look, Grandma Georgina is smiling! Maybe she can help you !

Bad luck : pas de chance...

Click on her right hand!

This ticket is nowhere to be found!

Impossible de mettre la main sur ce ticket!

Maybe Charlie's father has seen it..

Click on his left ear

It's incredible! Nobody has seen this golden ticket!

Incroyable! Personne n'a vu ce ticket d'or!

Mrs Bucket is your last chance.

Mme Bucket est votre dernière chance...

You know mums are really good at finding lost things!

Tu sais que rien n'est vraiment perdu tant que maman n'a pas cherché...

Click on her mouth!

Yes!!! Mrs Bucket has found it!!

Oui! Mme Bucket l'a trouvé!!!

The golden ticket is on the table!

It is under Charlie's toy chocolate factory!

Congratulations! You did it!

Now, reorder the numbers of the code, open the box and...eat the chocolate!


Reorder the numbers of the code and open the box!!!