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Accused of stealing a budgie

Buster Bling has been arrested because he stole his girlfriend's pet, Derek. Donna Bellissimo, his girlfriend said that maybe he stole it because they fought the night before. All this incidents happen the Sunday 21th, August, In London.

On his defense he said that he doesn't steal Derek because he would never do any harm to them because he love them.

This event has been approximately in the mmiddle of the month. Donna knew that he was the person who stole Derek because one day he wanted to hill it because Derek ruined his favourite suit.

All the people think that he stole it because Buster was very jealous of Derek. Donna always paid a lot of attention to her pet.

Mr. Buster Bling took his girlfriend's pet budgie, and we know it because cameras took himin the street with Derek.

Neigbors tell that sometimes they listened that Buster and Donna were fighting and they are right the relacionship is very bad and to take revenge Mr. Bling do that.


The First/ 22-8-2018