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Creative Cultural Heritage 2018



We got National Quality label for the project. Also, we implemented a project about the Croatian Kajkavian dialect and published a book in which pupils wrote about tradition, the way of life in the past, etc.

In school year 2015./2016. we implemented eTwinning project " Classroom, homeland, Europe" with partners from Spain and Poland. The aim of the project was to bring cultural and historical inheritance of homeland closer to pupils from Croatia, Spain and Poland using web 2.0 tools and learn outside the classroom going on outdoor education visiting museums, castles, churches getting to know different local features. We have published eTravelogue using ISSUU.

Snjezana Kovacevic and Andreja Jertec from Primary School Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia


Ketevan Kobakhidze, Georgia

For 2 years 2015-2016, 2016-2017 we made projects "Let's visit a country" and "Let's visit a country 2". Only the founders were the same, countries participating there were different and we all have got European Quality Labels.

This year we have started a new project "Gastronomy - cultural heritage"

This year with my pupils we work in the project: "The Art of Printmaking as a Pedagogical tool" and we tray to experience, appreciate, learn and enjoy cultural heritage.

We share a very interesting acivity realized in the project: "Cultivating life skills through Land Art"

We had a great collaboration in the project: "Recycling through art" and he pupils from Greece, Spain and Italy really cooperated and learned more about the other countries through the activities realized:

We shared the results and we had fun, we became creative and we learned through play about the culture of the other countries and their contemporary way of life, as well:

Another of my favourite projects:"Getting to know our surrounding world" was realized thanks to the cooperation of the pupils from Sweden - Spain and Greece. We exchanged materials that helped our pupils understad more of the other countries and we enjoyed it.!

Greece / Theodora Chandrinou, Fine Arts teacher

During the last school year 2016/2017 we were founders and coordinators of a very successful project called INTANGIBLE (UNESCO) HERITAGE AROUND EUROPE. The aim of the project was to promote intangible cultural heritage of our own and to learn about the heritage of different countries by using many different web tools. Our partners were schools from Turkey, Greece, Poland and Lithuania. Our project was awarded with 4 national Quality Labels, as wellas 4 European Quality Labels.We have done many interesting project activities which you can see on our public blog:

This school year we have founded a new project UNESCO Heritage Connects Europe, with different partners (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Slovakia, Poland, Italy and Romania). his time our project deals with cultural heritage in general. Through the project students will improve their ICT skills while learning more about their partners' heritage, become familiar with different types of common cultural heritage , learn to be part of a team, improve their communication and language skills and work in an interactive way.

Martina Supančić, Danica Barišić, Croatia

Last year I joined a project titled "The Universe is made of tiny stories" where students worked on important people and places of their countries through digital storytelling. we got the EQL.

Maria Teresa Rughi, Italy

Athena Anastasiadou , NAFPAKTOS, GREECE

In the school year 2015-2016 we worked on an eTwinning collaboration with an italian school. The project was called " can a battle unite?"

During this project we had a series of events and visited a lot of cultural sights near our area. In the end our students created a video which was uploaded on YouTube and was dedicated to our famous city port.


I am really happy to share some ideas about the projects or activities that I had done during past years.In 2014 - 2015 I had been a partner of the project " Castles and Histry" where partners from Ireland, Poland, France , Greece and Azerbaijan worked on 3 outstanding castles in their country. The result of the project was WebPage

Then in 2015 I had project "Let's dress European Citizen" where the aim was to discover and introduce national dresses and cuisine that are included as the National Cultural Heritage of Europe. For both projects we have got both National an European Quality Labels.

This year in 2018 I have founded the project " My History is My Pride" where partners from Romania, Spain,, Bulgaria,Turkey and Azerbaian will discover the sites of peer country's unesco cultural heritage. Our aim is not only to show our own sites but alsoto get acquianted with the places which are really considered as the miracle of the world.I hope it will be awesome to share our cultural heritage to the world.

Natavan Badalova, Heydar Aliyev Lyceum, Azerbaijan

Ispir Iuliana and Vlad Alexandra Romania

Linked to Cultural Heritage. In December 2017, I worked with my colleague, Vlad Alexandra, about the values that the Romanian people value. The work was also part of the eTwinning project "For a Better Community: Values".

Last school year we participated in a project called "Eurocomics-explore Europe through comics" which I founded with partners from Greece, France and 2 other Italian schools. The students had fun learning about cities, urban legends and foods connected to the city each class adopted for the comic. They had to write a storyline which knitted all the information that they gathered, and create characters which represented the culture and spirit of the chosen city! The result was a super awarded comic book (NQLs and EQLs) plus the Move2Learn contest to visit Athens and our partner!

Angela Capezzuto

European Culture Kaleidoscope!

Irini Sakellaraki, Greece

During the last 2 schoolyears 2015-2017 we had worked with many teachers of our school in the promotion of the Cultural Heritage of our region, Thessaly. One main motivating reason was also our involvement in an Erasmus+ KA2 project, with partners from Sweden, Belgium and Turkey. You can see some of the results on the website of the programme, which was also launched on eTwinning as well:

Enjoy some pictures of the project here.

We are still working and exchanging cultural heritage with the partners on the following facebook open group where you are all invited!

Furthermore, some teachers of our school realised educational guided tours in the antiquities of our town Larisa. (Those tours are provided by the Diachronic Museum of Larisa.) The majority of the teachers of our school participated in various educational visits and the results can be shown here

We also participated in an experimental project (launched for the first time by the directorate of the Dpt. of Secondary education of Larisa and the aforementioned museum). The name of the project was "Time Machine" and we created a special website for this reason.

This year we are still working on cultural heritage via an etwinning project named "Shared Treasure" and we enjoy our collaboration with the partners!A picture from our Erasmus+ partners in our town:


a) In this school year we are partner in a project UNESCO Heritage Connects Europe, with different partners (Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Slovakia, Poland) The Crotian team have founded it . B)During PNSD week in Italy we are organizing an event on Etwinning about italian monuments unesco Heritagec) We sent many photos for the " Cultural Heritage Instagram" competion for calendar

Grazia Pietropaolo, Roma, Italy

Adriana Laze Albania

One year before I was the founder of an Albanian project named " Religious tolerance, connecting bridge in Albania " , because in Albania there are four religion beliefs , which are not problem. One of the activities was posting pictures with religions objects. We tried to do something . Also we posted traditional food used on celebrating different special days for each religion beliefs.

Have a look at this escape room about environmental protection, created during an eTwinning LE with colleagues from other countries.

Zoe Gallou Greece

I am a co-founder of two cultural eTwinning projects. Cross-cultural cohesion is very important for peace.

Özkan SEYREK Turkey

"Words - The Art Of Cre@ting Memories" is a project we are working on with partners from Italy, Poland, Portugal and Romania

"Forget Me Not - Build Memories Through Buildings" is the project we are working on with partners from Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Portugal.

"Do you remember that profession" is our cultural heritage project with partners from Greece and Poland.

Andrea Ullrich, Germany

Natalia Tzitzi, Greece

Within the framework of the eTwinning project "A world of "famous" difference" (2016-2017), project classes from Poland, Turkey, Croatia and Greece discover each other's Cultural Heritage through dancing. First, the students teach a traditional dance of their country and then they learn to dance one of the dances taught by the partners. Watch the video below to see Polish children dance cifteteli (Turkish dance) and Croatian children dance kalamatiano (Greek dance) among others.

"One train for Europe" is a project we are working on with partners from Germany, France, Bulgaria, two schools from Poland and two schools from Italy. Europe has a rich history that is mirrored in its cathedrals, monuments, customs ...This European dimension is being recognized and appreciated while traveling across Europe by train. In the dining wagon we meet other people, enjoy dishes and prepare our visit to European cities and landscapes, talking not only about places but also about sustainable transport, food and other issues. The "passengers" on the train talk about cultural heritage in their own countries, choose places to visit in other countries and present them. In the live chat they had fun while trying to guess the UNESCO objects which the students from the other countries had chosen. All partners tell the others about World Heritage sites in their own countries and have their proposals for local world heritage sites. All is done through quizzes, puzzles, posters, dialogues. They learn about UNESCO World Heritage and its main activities and then answer questions in a quiz in the forum. The project is amazing, clever and useful for cultural development of our students.

Rositsa Shopska, Bulgaria

Now, together with an Italian partner, we start working on a project about Capitals of culture and our plan includes a task exactly described by Irene - one city will discover the culture treasures of the one one. Hope it will be really useful for development of cultural dimensions of our students.

During the school year 2015 - 2016 five countries worked together and exchanged pieces of treasure of their cultures stepping on the proverbs. The project "A proverb a day keeps the boredom away" got European Quality Labels in every country - participant: Bulgaria, Poland, Greece, Italy, France.

Maya Kyulevchieva, Bulgaria

"UNESCO World Herritage" is project about natural and cultural Heritage by Unesco. Country partners are from Greece, Norway, France, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Serbia and Spain!

Danijela Strmečki, Constructural, natural and mining school, Varaždin, Croatia

2018 is the year of the European cultural heritage. Therefore, the project "Cultural diversity" is very relevant. Now 10 teachers and 39 students are involved. The aim of the project is to share the material and intangible cultural heritage and the benefits of cultural exchange with partners from Ukraine, Portugal, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Greece using web 2.0. tools.We are going to enjoy our cultural diversity between our countries. Specifically, we are making a cultural bridge between students. We will try to find common paths of communication and collaboration. We are planning to use music, drama, art, crafts and other artistic activities as our paedagogical tools.

Natalia Grushko, Ukraine

Because we all know that the year 2018 will be European year of Cultural Heritage,at the beginning of the academic year we have started our project named "We have a lot to share'' about tangible and intangible cultural heritage and the benefits of cultural exchange with the partners from France, Spain, Italy and Poland. All my pupils are so enthusiastic for being involved in the projects and they learned using some web0.2 tools , got excited to share something with foreign students. The process is changing the school atmosphere.

At the same time we are in a different project with my pupils; "Sharing our cultural heritage"

Semiha Donuktan, Turkey

Monumental Europe

France, italy, Greece, Poland, Catalonia.An eTwinning project which pretends to foster knowledge and respect towards the monuments we have in our countries. A trip around Europe allows students to discover that the memories of the past allow us to understand the present and look towards the future.


Welcome to GeorgiaI have been implementing a project for the second year

Protected Areas

We discover European traditions and customs

I also conduct several projects with Romanian colleagues


Asanidze Khatuni, Georgia

eTwinHeritage Games is the name of the project we are collaborating in this school year. There are 13 teams, each of them collaborate and compete to get the different stages of the project done. They start by DISCOVER when they have to look for a set of information items about tangible and intangible cultural expressions from countries around Europe. The idea is that students travel around Europe to meet its incredible cultural heritage wealth. Each international team wil go on the next stage where games are designed and played. Different competences are developed while collaborating together with HOTs and LOTs

Josefa Martín Spain

During the development of the awarded (in Greece and Poland) project: "NUTRI FIT CRUISE" pupils from Greece, Catalonia and Poland pretend to be real journalists and made a research on intangible Cultural Heritage highlighting valuable practices that our ancestors had, related to healthy habits. They interviewed their grandparents, taking videos, recording voices like radio program and finally presenting the results of their research in front of the camera like a TV program.

Enjoy pupils from the three participant countries presenting their results!

Angeliki Kougiourouki Greece

Vesna Kostic, Serbia

My Ancestors, My Pride! This is a project where teachers stimulating students' knowledge of the First World War through the research work. Students are adopting the methodology of research through the development of works from family history but also improve their digital competencies, too. Beside that, our goal is to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War through the memory of our ancestors. Students have already written stories about their ancestors and short video films, and at the moment there is a joint work of students on making and then solving the quiz of knowledge about the First World War. Creating an e-book, and if it is possible, printing a collection of researches will be our purpose, too. The project started in September 2017, and ending in May 2018.

With my students I'm carrying out a project called "filming the ideal town". Students working in groups have to make a video about their cities and towns. these videos, made by the different countries participating in the project, will be involved in different selection phases through local or transnational competitions, to finally choose the best ones that will be put together for a final project product.

Marusca Maria Destino

My second PROJECT is 'WISE JOKES' which is about JOKES of our wise hero Nasreddin Hodja who is Turkey's best-known trickster. I wanted to share his well known jokes and stories with people all over the world.Because HE is our cultural heritage folk philosopher and humorist .

I'm carrying out 2 cultural projects with my pupils right now. First is ''FRUIT(FRUITFUL)PROVERBS AND IDIOMS''Proverbs and idioms are anonymized and somehow connected to the culture, history, traditions and life styles of people. Lots of messages are hidden behind proverbs and idioms. People do not know their origins and who said them or which nation first said them. According to some people , proverbs and idioms show the wisdom of a nation and reflect that nation’s cultural aspects and gives clues from their past and their present lives. In this Project we are going to trace of these wise proverbs and idioms but especially of (fruitful ) ones which are including fruits and vegetables inside. So its name is ‘’FRUIT ( FRUITFUL ) PROVERBS AND IDIOMS ‘’.I think these proverbs and idioms are a part of our cultural heritage. Here; we are going to study the use of English proverbs, sayings and idioms, which give colour to the language.



Hello Everyone,We are carrying UNESCO - WORLD HERITAGE IN MY COUNTRY AND CITY eTwinning project.We learned a lot of about Heritage. Our partners :Belgium, Greece,Spain,Romania, Italy, Turkey,Poland.I am happy to work on this project.

One Train for EuropeIt is an amazing project I have shared with some partners from Poland, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy and France. Our Bulgarian Partner have already written about our journey to discover some Unesco sites in our countries and suggest new ones, according to the selection criteria that we have studied together. .

Carla Donnini

Antonietta Calò- Italy

The Heritage we shareFrom 17th to 23th March my school-I.I.S don Milani in Gragnano- is hosting 18 students and 6 teachers from the Erasmus KA2 countries partners (Poland-Slovenia and Germany).We have planned the following programme to disseminate our TANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE: visiting the archaeological sites of Pompei and of the Roman Villas of Stabiae; INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE: sharing the folk regional dances of our countries and our typical food,NATURAL CULTURAL HERITAGE: discovering l the andscape and flora of Mount Vesuvius.

eTwinninng partners from Greece, Albania, Croatia, Tunisia, Georgia and Portugal found and shared the Unesco World Heritage of our countries.

eTwinning Event:UNESCO World Heritage Sites event

Hello,Through this project I want to tell you about Albania, my city Fier with the theme: "Today a good student tomorrow a handicraftsman". Craft is the value of a nationTo learn how ancient a nation we will start from crafts. The purpose is to protect the handicraft and perfect it further. Designed to leave generations of wealthy artisans.Through this project, we try to teach our pupils our national values to those of other peoples. Handicrafts are one of those features of culture and ethnography that have marked the identity of Albanians over the centuries as one of the oldest states of Europe.

Ekleva Koroveshi Albania

Our project is prepared totally according to curriculum made by ministry of education in Turkey. It aims to make children aware of differences in other cultures,as hell as their own culture. Also we aim to support our students ability to learn and know about other cultures. Every city and country have tjeir own culture and traditions of owns aren’t known by our new generations. Maybe we couldn’t transmit them.

With the help of new approaches, we help our students integrade in the new subjects easily. By doing this we maket hem learn and livethe new subjects.

Using audio-visual tools;music,dance or helping them to be more creative and aestetical,we aim to improve their abservation and communication skills


eTwinning Project Romania”Youth for Culture 2018”Teacher Alina BĂLANColegiul Tehnic „Toma N.Socolescu” Ploiești

The project pleads for the necessity to protect, preserve and promote cultural heritage in general and the declared or proposed World Heritage sites in particular. The project furthermore aims at demonstrating the value of all types of education as an approach to disseminate the international and national traditions and values to young people in particular.

Liudmyla dragomeretska, Ukraine

Unesco- a key to our heritageEach country has its own Unesco world cultural heritage. We want to visit them and investigate their influence in our life today. Also we want to find out, which important characters influenced these sites and our heritageWe present the results in films, powerpoint presentations which will be uploaded in etwinning.

„Herit@ge matters” is our eTwinning project for 2017-2018. Human rights and cultural heritage is the topic we address through it.

Marika Emese Cîmpean Romania

REACH - Reinterpreting, empowering and accepting our cultural heritageStudents from Poland, Portugal, France and Italy are working on the meaning of cultural heritage, reflect on stereotypes, share their traditions and ways of living.

Simona Strabbioli Italy

The aim of the project is to deepen the knowledge of students’ local culture and traditions, develop their art skills and introduce them to legends and folktales of other countries. We chose the “Legend of Defuk”, which is part of our local tradition.

Students, being the real protagonists of their learning, felt motivated and active in this pathway of exploration of the territory as a discovery of its environmental, cultural and historical-artistic heritage and in particular of traditions, festivals, legends, folklore.

I took part in an e-Twinning project “Draw me a legend of your country" with other schools from Greece, Albania, Turkey, Romania, Poland and I won the European Quality Label.

The project starts from the necessity of each pupil, as a future European citizen, to feel anchored to his/her roots, which can be identified in legends, myths and popular tales, whose general characteristics are common to all European countries.

Our town is famous for the quality of its wine Est!Est!!Est!! related to this amazing legend, so it was important to focus the attention on it to raise interest and motivation in students.Every year in the summer there is a historical celebration to recall this legend and even in our school we arrange a great event where children parade in medieval costumes through the streets of the town and dramatize the legend, involving all the components of the local community.

The childrens' interest was even more aroused, as the project incorporated the multiple interests, imagination and creativity not only of the students but of all the teachers who were involved in it.

To be more specific, our students collected, processed and organized material in individual or team activities, laboratories and presentations, after discussing their personal ideas, questions and pursuits. Then they painted the myth, narrated the story, assembled an online cloze- test (using the I-tool learningapps.org), created a video (using Moviemaker and posting it on Youtube) and an e-book (using Issuu.com).

The main outcomes of the project are: Enhance the knowledge of the territory to find out the environmental, cultural and historical-artistic heritage and in particular traditions, festivals, legends, folklore; Foster students' artistic and expressive skills and creativity; Learn about legends and myths from other countries; Develop social and civic skills to make students feel part of an active European and global citizenship.

At the same time, they had he opportunity to learn about legends and myths from other European countries, comparing myths in the common page used for presenting and interacting with the other partner schools.

Paola Romoli - ItalyI.C."A. Molinaro" Montefiascone (VT)