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Considering the setting

plan of action



Today we will be looking closely at how to create the perfect setting of a story.


Planning your story

A well planned story has a plot....

This develops from setting the scene at the beginning,

through the action in the middle

and to the end where you tell your reader what happens to the characters, clear up any mysteries and tie up any loose ends

Remember, it's fine to make rough, scribbled notes when planning (as long as you can read them!) but always use neat, clear writing when it comes to writing the story itself.

Where and when?


Why does a story need a setting?

Letting your readers know where and when your story is set will help bring the story to life. If the setting is somewhere your readers aren't familiar with then make sure you describe it in detail. Two stories can be set in exactly the same place, but feel completely different because of the words the writer chooses to use. Every story needs a setting.

“The setting brings the story to life”


Writing your Setting

What do you sense in the setting you're thinking of?

smells, sounds, feelings, sights

How would you describe it?

descriptive language: smilies, metaphors, personification

Think about small, subtle details.

  • How do they set the mood?
  • How does the character feel?
  • what does it look like there?
  • what are the small details?
  • What descriptive techniques has the writer used?

What did the writer do?


“The warm soft sand tickled my feet”

“Smell of delicious burgers”

“Golden soft sand”

“Clar blue water”

Being a good writer isn't just about planning. The best way to become a good writer yourself is to learn from writers you enjoy reading - so read lots of stories!

Becoming a good witer

Another way to become better is to read your own stories some time after you have written them.

Pretend that someone else wrote the story, see how well you think the story is written and then rewrite it to make it better. Most authors, even famous ones, rewrite their stories many times before they are happy to let someone else read them.

Think about how your favourite writers write beginnings, middles and endings. Think about how they describe places and characters, and about how they have chosen words that suit a particular story.