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The access to health services is scare
The access to health services is scare
Health in Australia is public and free.
Life expectancy at birth: 

Total population: 63 years 

Male: 61 years 

Female:  65 years 

Life expectancy at birth: 

Total population: 69.3 years 

Male: 67.8 years 

Female:  70.8 years 

Life expectancy at birth: 

Total population: 82.07 years 

Male: 79.63 years 

Female: 84.64 years 

Medical Services Access

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands


Life Expectancy

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The access to health services is scare

The access to health services is scare

Health in Australia is public and free.

Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 63 years Male: 61 years Female: 65 years

Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 69.3 years Male: 67.8 years Female: 70.8 years

Life expectancy at birth: Total population: 82.07 years Male: 79.63 years Female: 84.64 years

Medical Services Access

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands


Life Expectancy




Total population: 62.4% Male: 65.4% Female: 59.4% (2011 est.)

Literacy: definition: age 15 and over can read and write Total population: 84.1% Male: 88.9% Female: 79.2%

Youth literacy rate (15 – 24 years) 99% *Adult literacy rate (15+ years, Australian Bureau of Statistics) Female: 96% Male: 96% Both sexes: 96%


Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands


Human Development Index

7% of total population

21% of total population

37% of total population

Not exist data

Not exist data

GEI 2012 0,80

Gender Equality Index

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands


Human Poverty Index

Internet users:7.9 per 100 people

Internet users:10 per 100 people

Internet users: 84.6 per 100 people

Not exist data

Not exist data

2.20 % of GDP

Internet and Technology Access

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Solomon Islands


Solomon Islands


R&D Index

  • OMS. (2016). Papua New Guinea. Recuperate on October 07th, from OMS' site web: hhttp://www.who.int/countries/png/es/ttp://www.who.int/countries/png/es/
  • Indexmundi.(2016). Australia life expectancy at birth. Recuperate on October 07th, from Index mundi's site web: http://www.indexmundi.com/australia/life_expectancy_at_birth.html
  • Indexmundi.(2016). Solomon Islands Literacy. Recuperate on October
  • 07th, from Index mundi's site web: http://www.indexmundi.com/solomon_islands/literacy.html
  • OMS(2015). Solomon Islands. Recuperate on October 07th, from OMS' site web: http://www.who.int/countries/slb/es/
  • UNICEF. (2016).Solomon Islands. Recuperate on October 07th, from UNICEF's site web: http://www.unicef.org/infobycountry/solomonislands_statistics.html
  • UNESCO.(2016). Country profile: Solomon Islands. Recuperate on October 07th, from UNESCO's site web: http://www.unesco.org/uil/litbase/?menu=14&country=SB&programme=17
  • OMS.(2016). Australia. Recuperate on October 07th, from OMS' site web: http://www.who.int/countries/aus/es/
  • UNESCO.(2016). Australia. Recuperate on October on 07th, from UNESCO's site web:http://en.unesco.org/countries/australia



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